A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales Logo

A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales

Who is A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales?

We are proud to be dealers for many of the world's leading equipment manufacturers. If we are unable to reach you at the phone number(s) you have given, we will not deliver or pick up your equipment until we are able to get in contact with you. Many companies in the equipment industry offer both rentals and sales. Quite often though, rental is emphasized and sales is a sideline -- or vice versa. We want to provide whatever solution is best for you. When we sell you a product, you can be confident it will stand up to heavy use because we stock our rental fleet with the same products. We have an up-to-date fleet of delivery vehicles if you need your equipment delivered and picked up. Our used equipment is a great buy because we maintain it so that it is always ready to rent.

This company is:

Service provider

Gilbert, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1960

Products & services of A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales

Product Food Warmer and Keeper Rentals, Dinnerware Rentals, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona, A to Z Party and Event Rentals image


Food Warmer and Keeper Rentals, Dinnerware Rentals, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona, A to Z Party and Event Rentals


Product Beverage Dispensers and Pitcher Rentals, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona, A to Z Party and Event Rentals image


Beverage Dispensers and Pitcher Rentals, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona, A to Z Party and Event Rentals


View all products


Events Services


Media and Entertainment

Contact of A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales

City: Gilbert

State: Arizona

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales

The company A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales is located in Gilbert, Arizona, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales was founded in 1960

The company A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales has it's main focus in the industries of Media and Entertainment

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of A to Z Party & Event Rentals A Division of A to Z Equipment Rentals & Sales

Effem Corporation Logo

Effem Corporation

United States

101-250 Employees



Northwest Equipment Sales, Inc. Logo

Northwest Equipment Sales, Inc.

United States

1-10 Employees



Independent Equipment Corp. Logo

Independent Equipment Corp.

United States

11-50 Employees



5G Equipment Rentals Logo

5G Equipment Rentals

United States


Latino Rentals Logo

Latino Rentals

United States

1-10 Employees



Slaymaker Electric Motor Logo

Slaymaker Electric Motor

United States

11-50 Employees



Chicago Industrial Equipment Logo

Chicago Industrial Equipment

United States

1-10 Employees


Reliant Action Ltd. Logo

Reliant Action Ltd.


1-10 Employees


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