Acorn Recyclers Logo

Acorn Recyclers

Waste Management Company - Leicestershire | Acorn Recyclers

Who is Acorn Recyclers?

We are able to collect and supply materials in their raw form, collected or supplied in bales, granules, palletised, containers. We offer customers Total Waste Management solutions, tailored to their individual needs. Acorn offers tailor-made solutions for each client because we recognise that no business is the same, there is no “one size fits all”. We will allow you to focus on your core business, and allow us to manage your waste! We offer site consultations, to assess the best way to handle your waste streams. After our visit, we will provide a report to set out any potential operational savings, opportunities to reduce your carbon footprint and steps to take to become a zero-to-landfill business and improve your circularity. We also can provide high-quality machinery such as balers to assist you in the process either on a purchase or rental basis. With our fleet of 13-meter trailers, collection and delivery can be made speedily, trailer swaps can be made the next day if required.

This company is:

Service provider

Charnwood, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 1972

Products & services of Acorn Recyclers

Product Plastic Recycling Company - Leicestershire, UK image


Plastic Recycling Company - Leicestershire, UK

Acorn Recyclers: Leading Plastic Recycling Company in Leicestershire, UK. Over 50 years of experience. We recycle a wide range of plastic materials.

Product Paper & Cardboard Recycling Company, Leicestershire, UK image


Paper & Cardboard Recycling Company, Leicestershire, UK

Acorn Recyclers: Specialist paper, tissue & cardboard recycling company based in Loughborough, Leicestershire, offering UK-wide services. Contact us today!

Product Security & Confidential Shredding Services, Leicestershire, UK image


Security & Confidential Shredding Services, Leicestershire, UK

Acorn Recyclers specialise in the recycling of paper. As part of our service, we offer security & confidential shredding services to companies across the UK.

View all products


Waste Management
Plastic Recycling
Paper Recycling
Confidential Shredding


Consumer Goods

Contact of Acorn Recyclers

City: Charnwood

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Acorn Recyclers

The company Acorn Recyclers is located in Charnwood, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Acorn Recyclers has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Acorn Recyclers was founded in 1972

The company Acorn Recyclers has it's main focus in the industries of Consumer Goods