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acviss.com Logo


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Acviss brand protection solution protects over 2 billion products and 80+ brands worldwide, ensuring their authenticity and safeguarding their reputation. Acviss’s patented labelling system makes products tamperproof and enables seamless tracking throughout the supply chain, leaving no room for counterfeits. The cutting-edge AI and machine learning algorithms scan the digital landscape, proactively removing fake listings, ads and offers that threaten the brand identity. The loyalty program by Acviss allows brands to reward their customers and engage with their customers along with providing real-time analytics about customer interactions.

Quick overview

San Jose, United States

Founded in 2020

11-50 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Packaging, Other

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of products

1 Product

Specialised areas

Brand Protection, Anti-counterfeiting, supply chain traceability, warranty management, customer loyalty, online brand protection, security hologram labels

Products & services of acviss.com

acviss.com offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Certify by Acviss


Certify by Acviss

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of acviss.com

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UseCase: Certify for Plywood Manufacturers

Use case

Certify for Plywood Manufacturers

Plywood Manufacturing, Agriculture

Kitply, the pioneer of plywood in India faced a severe counterfeiting challenge, with 50% of its products being fake, resulting in a yearly revenue loss of approximately 120 crores and significant damage to its brand image and consumer loyalty. Acviss's solution enabled instant authenticity verification and fake product reporting, leading to a 2x increase in overall sales. Specifically, monthly revenue from the Chennai region surged from 1 crore to 2.5 crore due to the elimination of counterfeit products. This technology facilitated entry into new markets like the North East region, bolstered brand value and customer trust through its user-friendly app, and allowed Kitply to leverage its marketing power by highlighting its commitment to customer care, ultimately eradicating fakes from the market.

Headquarter of acviss.com

acviss.com operates in 1 country around the world

City: San Jose

State: California

Country: United States

Locations of acviss.com

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United States


San Jose

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about acviss.com

Some frequent questions that have been asked about acviss.com

The company headquarter of acviss.com is located in San Jose, California, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information acviss.com has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

acviss.com was founded in 2020

The company acviss.com has it's main focus in the industries of Packaging, Other

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company acviss.com seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of acviss.com

Check out some interesting alternative companies to acviss.com

Authentic Vision's Logo

Authentic Vision

Salzburg, Austria

11-50 Employees


Authentic Vision provides anti-counterfeiting and authentication technologies that protect your organization’s investments in product innovation, brand value, and reputation.

Able Security Solutions Pte Ltd's Logo

Able Security Solutions Pte Ltd


11-50 Employees


Established in 2008, Able Security Solutions (ASEC) is a specialist in designing bespoke brand protection and document authentication solutions for our clients within the Asia-Pacific region. We consult with commercial brand owners directly and collaborate with trusted in-country partners for government projects and tenders. Today, we represent and collaborate with some of the leading innovative technology providers and security printers globally. Industrial products, components and replacement parts are often targets of counterfeiting, substitution and grey marketing, as most of these products are distributed through a wide and diverse network of parts suppliers. Automotive, aviation, home appliances, electronics and building products markets are just some industry segments impacted by fake or ill-qualify products. With brand owners, we design solutions which secure their branded industrial products, components and replacement parts through understanding, protecting and monitoring the authenticity of their products through their supply chains. We customise our solutions based on a combination of on-product authentication, end-user verification, end-user education, online monitoring and enforcement partnerships. With pharmaceutical product owners, medical equipment manufacturers and medical consumable producers, ASEC seeks to understand and design solutions which protect their medically certified products through their supply chain.

Holoptica (UK) Ltd's Logo

Holoptica (UK) Ltd

Thrapston, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We assess the best possible products to protect brands and services. We’re a specialized technology and service provider, committed to protecting brands with patented counterfeit technology and customized solutions. We work with governments and commerce and we are an authorized vendor to customs in 183 countries. We can provide a consultancy service to assess requirements or we will work on a brief based on Scope of Works provided.

AlpVision's Logo


Vevey, Switzerland

11-50 Employees


We are the world’s leader in invisible digital technologies for counterfeit protection. AlpVision anti-counterfeiting technologies are covert, which means invisible to you, and highly secure. Additionally, AlpVision protects millions of high-value documents from forgery, tampering and counterfeiting. AlpVision provides covert as opposed to overt anti-counterfeiting technologies because they are intrinsically more secure. The beauty of AlpVision’s anti-counterfeiting technology is that it also seamlessly applies a digital protection layer to your track-and-trace system. In close collaboration with AlpVision we developed an AI/ML model to support chemical process development. AlpVision demonstrated their expertise in the field and it was a real pleasure to collaborate with them. AlpVision consistently demonstrates a deep expertise in anti-counterfeiting technologies, but also their detailed understanding of implementation and various use scenarios.

Touchstone Lab's Logo

Touchstone Lab

London, United Kingdom

51-100 Employees


Designed to provide a comprehensive and reliable solution to the ever-growing problem of counterfeiting. We take pride in our innovative connection discovery model, which sets us apart from the competition by being 30% more effective. This unrivaled capability enables us to tackle the counterfeiting problem head-on and deliver unparalleled results. Our platform employs state-of-the-art AI technology to deliver accurate and timely results, giving you peace of mind and the confidence to focus on growing your business. Our team of legal and enforcement specialists are committed to holding counterfeit sellers accountable, maintaining the integrity of your brand and ensuring the highest success rate. At Touchstone, we prioritize our clients' needs and provide customized solutions to protect their intellectual property, ensuring that your business continues to thrive. The purchased items will be delivered directly to you for examination, and an evidence report will be provided detailing the purchase process. Get product and delivery images for stronger evidence.



Dubai, United Arab Emirates

11-50 Employees


We provide complete solutions for a systematic range of challenging environment. AVISS is a fast-growing Audio-Visual company, specializing in providing Audio Visual Security solutions for diversified clients. We offer an extensive portfolio of innovative, high-quality, products, solutions, services for security, safety, and communications – featuring intelligent functionality and modular concepts that grow with your requirements. We offer an extensive portfolio of high quality and innovative products. The team uses their vast experience in audio visual IT technology to provide solutions from leading brands that are distributed by Aviss LLC. Aviss LLC is committed to deliver the most innovative conference platform to fulfill current and future market needs.