Allied Cleanrooms Logo

Allied Cleanrooms

Who is Allied Cleanrooms?

We manufacture both softwall cleanrooms and hardwall cleanrooms. We provide you with turn-key cleanroom solutions, which means we manage your cleanroom project from start to finish. We are a top-rated cleanroom manufacturer that provides you with turn-key cleanroom solutions, which means we manage your room project from start to finish. We provide both hardwall cleanrooms and softwall cleanrooms. After all, we are a top USA-based cleanroom supplier and manufacturer. We are the leading cleanroom company to provide you with turn-key cleanroom solutions, which means we manage your room project from start to finish. As a top-rated cleanroom manufacturer, we specialize in Class 10 to Class 100,000 (ISO 4, ISO 5, ISO 6, ISO 7, and ISO 8) cleanrooms that are used for some of the following activities: environmental test chambers, pharmaceutical storage rooms, temperature-controlled rooms, bio-safety laboratories, pharmaceutical research laboratories, stem cell research laboratories, server control rooms, organic chemistry laboratories, laser rooms, microbiology laboratories, dry rooms and more. We offer a complete turnkey solution that begins with building to your exact specifications and seeing your project through until completion.

United States

251-500 Employees

Founding year: 1989


hard wall cleanrooms
cleanroom construction
modular cleanroom construction
turn key cleanroom
Pharmaceutical storage room
Stem Cell Research Lab
Organic Chemistry Lab
Nutraceutical Facilities
Bio-Safety Laboratory


Real Estate

Contact of Allied Cleanrooms

City: -

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Allied Cleanrooms

The company Allied Cleanrooms is located in California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Allied Cleanrooms has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

Allied Cleanrooms was founded in 1989

The company Allied Cleanrooms has it's main focus in the industries of Real Estate

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Allied Cleanrooms seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Allied Cleanrooms

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Modular Cleanrooms Logo

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United States

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