Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp. Logo

Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.

AdobeStock_90921925_Preview - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time

Who is Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.?

We are developing new ways to help international power plant operators meet the constantly growing demand for electricity with heavier oil products that are made to burn cleanly, more efficiently and economically. Additionally, we are meeting the challenge of providing even cleaner combusting biodiesel fuels with new generations of emulsified fuels. AET has developed technologies and protocols for the manufacture of highly stable and cost effective fuel emulsions. The production of these emulsions involves the use of proprietary chemical additive packages, mechanical blending processes and “know-how”. AET’s full range of energy efficient and environmentally friendly products includes:. AET and its subsidiary, Alternative Petroleum Technologies (APT) are environmental technology companies dedicated to comprehensive cost-effective solutions to environmental problems. We offer technologies and expertise to help operators of compression-ignition engines and industrial boilers meet increasingly stringent emissions requirements.

This company is:

Service provider

Reno, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2012

Products & services of Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.

Product Products - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time image


Products - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time

Alternative Environmental Technologies (AET) is dedicated to comprehensive cost-effective solutions to environmental problems.

Product APT Showcases Emulsion Technology - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time image


APT Showcases Emulsion Technology - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time

APT has executed a joint venture (“JV”) agreement with its local partner Navipac S.A. (Navipac), a fuel distributor, to introduce and promote emulsified fuels in the region. Navipac has been supplying…

Product Emulsified Fuel Combustion animated 530x278 - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time image


Emulsified Fuel Combustion animated 530x278 - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time

Emulsified Fuel Combustion animated 530×278

View all products


Natural Resources
Oil and Gas


Oil, Energy and Gas

Use Cases of Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.


Projects - Alt Enviro Tech - Helping to save the planet - one drop at a time

Alternative Environmental Technologies (AET) is dedicated to comprehensive cost-effective solutions to environmental problems.

Contact of Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.

City: Reno

State: Nevada

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.

The company Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp. is located in Reno, Nevada, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp. has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp. was founded in 2012

The company Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp. has it's main focus in the industries of Oil, Energy and Gas

Competitors of Alternative Environmental Technologies Holdings Corp.

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