Controlled Release Drug Delivery | APCOR R&M

Who is APCOR R&M?

Research, development and manufacturing of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications, specializing in intrauterine and vaginal drug delivery systems. APCOR R&M uses cutting edge technologies and materials to develop new drug delivery systems. Leveraging our extensive knowhow and knowledge in the field of intrauterine and vaginal drug delivery parmaceuticals and materials, we help our partners in developing new and innovative controlled release systems or improve existing release systems. Wildemeersch continued working on new intrauterine approaches and treatment systems based on polymeric drug delivery. Wim Thielemans at the University of Leuven (KULAK), developing sustainable and innovative materials. APCOR R&M can provide all of these and help build the future of controlled release systems for intrauterine and vaginal drug delivery. Partnering with APCOR R&M provides your company with expertise in:.

Ghent, Belgium

1-10 Employees





Health Care

Contact of APCOR R&M

City: Ghent

State: East Flanders

Country: Belgium

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about APCOR R&M

The company APCOR R&M is located in Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information APCOR R&M has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company APCOR R&M has it's main focus in the industries of Health Care