Arif Habib Limited Logo

Arif Habib Limited

About Us – Arif Habib Group - Arif Habib Limited(AHL)

Who is Arif Habib Limited?

We provide a wide range of financial services to an extensive and diversified client base including the Government of Pakistan, corporations, financial institutions, multilateral organizations, and individuals. Listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange, AHL and is the only brokerage firm included in the Top 25 Companies of Pakistan Stock Exchange. AHL is part of the Arif Habib Corporation which is one of the leading business groups of Pakistan. Arif Habib is the Chief Executive of Arif Habib Corporation Limited, the holding company of Arif Habib Group. Zafar Alam is a Master’s degree holder in Nuclear Physics and has over 34 years’ experience in investment banking. In this role Zafar was responsible for combining the successful Private Investor Products (PIP) and Institutional/Corporate business of ABN AMRO and RBS. Zafar Alam is a chairman and founder of, an award winning Fin-Tech company in the UK loan servicing market. Eligible is a digital servicing solution using behavioral segmentation to personalize every consumer’s journey.

This company is:

Educational institution

Karachi Division, Pakistan

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1970

Products & services of Arif Habib Limited

Product What We Do – Money Markets - Arif Habib Limited(AHL) image


What We Do – Money Markets - Arif Habib Limited(AHL)

Interbank Brokerage Division consists of two dealing desks, Money Market and Foreign Exchange that are supported directly by treasury back office. Our Interbank Brokerage team consists of 15 professionals having average experience of more than 10 years. It provides services to a number of reputable banks, financial institutions and corporations.

Product What We Do – Investment Banking - Arif Habib Limited(AHL) image


What We Do – Investment Banking - Arif Habib Limited(AHL)

As the leading investment banking company in Pakistan, AHL serve as a trusted advisor, assisting its clients achieve their strategic objectives andmeet their financial needs.

Product What We Do – Brokerage - Arif Habib Limited(AHL) image


What We Do – Brokerage - Arif Habib Limited(AHL)

AHL boasts one of the largest equity sales and trading team in Pakistan, catering to the investment needs of Clientele across Foreigners, High Net Worth Individuals, Banks, Mutual Funds, Government Pension Funds, Insurance Companies and Retail Investors

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Corporate Finance
Internet and Mobile Trading
Investment Banking
Portfolio Investment
Online Trade
Foreign Exchange
Financial Services


Finance and Insurance

Contact of Arif Habib Limited

City: Karachi Division

State: Sindh

Country: Pakistan

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Arif Habib Limited

The company Arif Habib Limited is located in Karachi Division, Sindh, Pakistan. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Arif Habib Limited has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Arif Habib Limited was founded in 1970

The company Arif Habib Limited has it's main focus in the industries of Finance and Insurance

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Arif Habib Limited seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change