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Who is AtomGraph?

AtomGraph was founded in 2011 by Martynas Jusevičius and Džiugas Tornau with the idea of enabling organisations to have a holistic overview of their scattered information resources by connecting data. AtomGraph's main products have been specifically designed to take advantage of the unique features of the RDF graph data model. We develop data-driven software to help you build and manage Knowledge Graphs efficiently. Octopus is AtomGraph’s solution that lets you get the most of your enterprise data by retrieving it from third-party cloud services and integrating it in a Knowledge Graph. From years of research and experience we've learned that it is the only existing IT technology having the potential to connect all the relevant business data from both private and public sources, while at the same time being cost-effective in the long term. Džiugas is responsible for commercial and operational activities at AtomGraph. Martynas is a software architect specialising in Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies.

This company is:


Copenhagen, Denmark

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2010

Products & services of AtomGraph

Product AtomGraph - Products image


AtomGraph - Products

We offer Knowledge Graph products for the enterprise

Product AtomGraph - LinkedDataHub image


AtomGraph - LinkedDataHub

LinkedDataHub is an open-source software for Knowledge Graph management. It makes working with data faster and building applications easier

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Information Technology & Services


Information Technology

Use Cases of AtomGraph


AtomGraph - Cases

LinkedDataHub is used in a range of domains, from content management and data publishing to product information systems

Contact of AtomGraph

City: Copenhagen

State: Capital Region of Denmark

Country: Denmark

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about AtomGraph

The company AtomGraph is located in Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information AtomGraph has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

AtomGraph was founded in 2010

The company AtomGraph has it's main focus in the industries of Information Technology