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Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories Logo

Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

We are pleased with the Dream shop team, who are extremely precise in their details and correct to their customers. With the Dream Shop you can super easily add thousands of products and rely on their data to be updated daily. Admissions for the interface, speed of operation and continuous improvements. The Dream Shop platform is extremely easy and intuitive to operate, with a modern interface and constant improvements. There is a wide selection of additional applications that meet the latest requirements. Dream Shop offers its users, modern design, the possibility of the site to be in two languages with one button, an adaptive and easy menu for work and 100% fast support.

Quick overview


Founded in 2019

1-10 Employees

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Type of company


Ownership structure

Public Company


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas


ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Get insights into the use cases of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

UseCase: Wholesalers - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

Use case

Wholesalers - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

Wholesalers - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

UseCase: Sales - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

Use case

Sales - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

Sales - Dream Shop - e-commerce platform

Headquarter of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories operates in 1 country around the world

City: -

State: -

Country: Bulgaria

Locations of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Get an overview of the locations of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

The company headquarter of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories is located in Bulgaria. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories was founded in 2019

The company Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories has it's main focus in the industries of Automotive

Competitors of Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Auto Vidala - Autoaccessories

Shoperb's Logo


Tallinn, Estonia

1-10 Employees


We are here to make your Ecommerce dream a reality. With Shoperb you will hire a full team of experts who know what colour call to action button should be and why it is not a good idea to put carousels on the homepage. We are flexible, quick and thorough–even if we do not know everything right away, we know where we could get the answers. Get integrations of your local bank link and shipping method providers. You might have your first shop but we’ve had many and we are keen to share our know-how with YOU.

ByznysWeb s.r.o. - tvorba e-shopu a webové stránky's Logo

ByznysWeb s.r.o. - tvorba e-shopu a webové stránky

Prague, Czechia

11-50 Employees


Protože e-shop od ByznysWeb.cz vám usnadní život i podnikání. ByznysWeb splnil všechna naše očekávání a nyní spravujeme více jazykových verzí v jednom e-shopu. Volba eshop systému od ByznysWebu se ukázala jako správná cesta. Na Byznyswebu nejvíce oceňuji rychlou, ochotnou a občas až překvapivě trpělivou podporu. I díky ByznysWebu se nám podařilo spustit včas jazykovou verzi e-shopu jak jsme plánovali a to 1.2.2022. Nemusíte být technicky zdatní - vše je připraveno tak, abyste mohli začít ihned po dokončení registrace. Naše služby se soustředí na podporu vašeho podnikání, nikoli na sběr dat. U nás je vaše soukromí a ochrana dat samozřejmostí.

TheShop's Logo


Sliač, Slovakia

1-10 Employees


TheShop simplifies managing multiple languages, currencies, and domains, supporting your global growth. Harness TheShop's unique API to tailor-make the shopping experience for your customers, shaping the future of your e-commerce business. With TheShop, manage products and sales channels from one place, grow your business, and enjoy the benefits of headless commerce. Consolidate all product data and manage your various sales channels seamlessly with TheShop. Cut costs by 50% and accelerate your product launches with TheShop. We ensure your product information is always accurate and consistent. With the help of these technologies and partners, we are able to build TheShop platform and make headless e-commerce a reality. Grab your free demo now and unlock your personalized TheShop.

ideal.shop's Logo



1-10 Employees


The goal of ideal.shop is to offer a complete and modern webshop solution that can be used by everyone, without compromising on scalability and growth potential. We are a certified Google Cloud Partner so we can help our customers set up and use Workspace from Google. We are approved as a counsellor at SMV:Digital. It is a balance that is difficult to achieve, and we believe that this makes ideal.shop completely unique in the market. We have had revenue from the first week and have been able to focus on marketing and google / facebook advertising instead of developing and writing codes." - Lasse Nietschke, Flashforge.dk. Whether you have huge ambitions or just have hobby-thoughts, we provide a flexible and scalable platform that can keep up with your e-commerce growth. There is a great variation in who uses ideal.shop. If you already run a webshop with high turnover, we are also happy to make you a tailor-made enterprise solution on our software.




11-50 Employees


Seamlessly sell your products on popular platforms and expand your brand's reach with SHOPLINE's all-in-one dashboard. SHOPLINE is fully aware of what our brand sellers need. SHOPLINE's automated ads that originate from big data help deliver stable ROI. SHOPLINE's Smart Ads system is also very friendly to beginners like me. SHOPLINE's themes and features in particular are updated at a very fast pace. All in all, we are very relieved that DTC brands are going abroad with SHOPLINE! From entrepreneurs to established industry leaders, we offer cutting-edge solutions to grow your business across online, offline, social commerce and beyond. Seamlessly combine your online store with our leading POS solutions.

Dream Solutions Ltd.'s Logo

Dream Solutions Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We create high-value products and services for our partners. At The Dream Solutions™ we are using the right Project Management tools to guarantee that your project will go really smooth and you will be satisfied by the final result. UI Design with focus on user experience and fast growth for businesses of any size and variety. The result is ndeavour.eu and we are proud of it! We always receive high-value products in a timely manner. The team is very dedicated to what they do and they keep their eyes on the detail.