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Autove Robotics Pte Ltd Logo

Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

To-date, Autove has implemented robotics solutions for autonomous vehicles deployment. Year Autove was founded and started on Neolix autonomous delivery vehicles. Autove began working on self-driving vehicles in 2019. Autove is a tech-enabled company specialising in autonomous delivery using ai, robots and vehicles. Autove collaborates with some of the world's top robotics companies to deliver you the greatest automation solutions available. With a strong technical background, Autove help enable some of the world's best technology in automation. Average number of robotic deployments Autove conducts in a year. Since then, we've successfully managed automation projects for autonomous delivery robots in Singapore with NEOLIX vehicles, PUDU Robotics food delivery robots, and S3 Robotics service robots, from concept to execution.

Quick overview


Founded in 2019

1-10 Employees

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Working industry


Type of company

Service provider, Manufacturer

Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

Autonomous driving, Mobility, Self-driving, Logistics, Fleets, Shuttles, Robotics, Autonomous, Last-mile Delivery, On-demand

Products & services of Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

Autove Robotics Pte Ltd offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Autove | Hotel Robots | Robot Room Service Delivery


Autove | Hotel Robots | Robot Room Service Delivery

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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



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The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

Autove Robotics Pte Ltd operates in 1 country around the world

City: -

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Country: Singapore

Locations of Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

The company headquarter of Autove Robotics Pte Ltd is located in Singapore. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Autove Robotics Pte Ltd has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Autove Robotics Pte Ltd was founded in 2019

The company Autove Robotics Pte Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Automation

Competitors of Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Autove Robotics Pte Ltd

Auve Tech's Logo

Auve Tech

Tallinn, Estonia

11-50 Employees


After that, Auve Tech was founded to continue as a start-up, offering a full-scope service that enables the autonomous vehicles, and their integration into various environments and fleet management. Auve Tech’s prototype was created in 2018 and tested in various environments in different conditions. Auve Tech’s first project outside of Estonia was in Finland alongside local mobility operator, Roboride. Auve Tech specializes in the development and manufacturing of autonomous transportation systems. Auve’s shuttles become the first autonomous transportation deployed on the roads of Greece. At the beginning of summer 2020, Auve Tech started testing its Iseauto shuttle on public streets in Estonia. The project in Tampere together with Roboride was Auve Tech’s first experience with working together with an external operating company. The hydrogen shuttle is aimed at enhancing the last-mile transportation, offering alternative modes of #transportation in open and closed areas.

Applied EV's Logo

Applied EV

Melbourne, Australia

11-50 Employees


Our mission is clear - we’re intent on revolutionising transport. Our vision is to accelerate autonomous transport solutions that greatly increase the efficiencies of global logistics and transportation. Founded in 2015 by a team seeking to improve global transport solutions, Applied EV combines heritage in automotive innovation with software development and deep robotics capability. Through the relentless pursuit of our mission, continual product improvement and global collaboration, today, we're proud to call ourselves leaders in the field of autonomous vehicles, transport and software development. Cooperation agreement with lbeo — a leading German LiDAR producer, to integrate technologies. Achieved development agreement with Teijin to develop zero-emission low­-speed electric vehicles. Applied EV’s ASIL-D Central Control Unit Roadmap to Mass Production and TÜV SÜD Certification. Autonomous-ready vehicles for any application: from last-mile delivery and off-road to heavy freight and custom applications.

autobotik's Logo


Singapore, Singapore

1-10 Employees


Autobotik offers a range of specialist services to startups, the automotive industry (OEMs/T1s), cities, institutions, and organizations or those wishing to implement and/or prepare for new mobility solutions. Autobotik collaboration with resembler.ai provides 300 million miles of coverage and edge cases to test and verify highway pilot and urban driving algorithms. We are a global team of highly-motivated individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, usually working together in the Singapore-based office and sometimes operating together from various locations around the world. However, the simplified electric powertrain, new manufacturing technologies, self driving technology and connectivity allow new players with customer-centric business models to enter a new connected and almost on-demand mobility-transportation-logistics market. Some of the most significant issues we are facing are helping to create a cleaner and safer world making mobility and living more easy for all. Here are a few specific enterprise level solutions that we offer :. Enterprise Maturity Assessment in Process, Technology, Capability and Products. We offer support in Power Electronics (PE) design and vehicle systems integration for EV, HEV and new smart city mobility applications.

EVIE Autonomous's Logo

EVIE Autonomous

Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


We are a company that is constantly adapting, evolving and developing our innovations to ensure that we are one step ahead. We are a leading player in the autonomous vehicle industry. EVIE Autonomous is a UK-based, globally recognised autonomous technology company. Our original parent company Aim Technologies provided the later-generation electronics for the Westfield PODs and supported them on several PRT projects globally. Faced with unexpected demand, Evie has decided to revise the design to enable scaled-up production and dramatically reduce the unit cost. EVIE Autonomous develops and manufactures electric, fully autonomous shuttles. EVIE pods are designed for a variety of applications including last-mile delivery, passenger transportation and security, agriculture, cargo and endless more sectors. Our pods have the potential to revolutionise the way we travel and deliver goods, and we are well-positioned to capitalise on the growing demand for autonomous vehicles.

X-Drive Robots's Logo

X-Drive Robots

Roskilde, Denmark

1-10 Employees


Now, we are working with several other use cases. X-Drive Robots was established in 2017 to create one of the most powerful and sophisticated autonomous work vehicles (AWV) for professional use in the world. X-Drive Robots is a leading manufacturer of all-electric autonomous work vehicles, AWV. X-Drive Robot’s AWV offers an unparalleled list of automation and safety features. In the developing market for autonomous work vehicles, our tool-carrying AWV offers a distinctive value proposition thanks to its advanced technology and fully automated concept. Therefore, we focus on responsible use of energy and materials, recycling, and working with local suppliers whenever possible. With a varied background in mechanical and general design engineering, Bo is the driving force behind the company’s innovative robotic solutions.

eMooVit's Logo


Sepang, Malaysia

11-50 Employees


At that time, eMooVit’s resources had expanded to an average of 5 years experiences in software R&D Background. In year 2018, eMooVit was lauching the First Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Prototype using Proton Exora showcase the autonomous vehicle software stack. The company core business focus is on developing an industry-leading component-based driverless software solutions, which turns certain vehicles into autonomy system, able to be deployed in different applications, such as first/last mile transportation, logistic transportation, & agriculture solutions. To be a leading autonomous technology solution provider in Southeast Asia. To provide a first and last mile solutions for urban cities transportation. Together with our partners, Celcom and Ericsson, we are proudly to showcase our first autonomous vehicle with 5G connectivity during the launched of 5G carnival in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Our company have released a new product, called Autonomous Electic Bus that can carry up to 14 passengers. Another difference is that we will focus on on-demand mobility-as-a-service.