Our goal is to become an extension of your company, so your customers have a seamless interaction whether they are speaking with our agents or yours. We are accountable to our employees and clients, we have integrity and can be trusted, we are compassionate and care about our people and our community, and we will treat everyone with respect. We are a nearshore contact center partner that helps companies elevate their customer service and provide an outstanding customer experience, with our call centers in Mexico. We are experts in outsourcing customer support, recruiting, training, managing, and reporting, and our team in our Tijuana call center can provide the nearshore support you need to grow and succeed.. After listening to our goals and objectives, they transformed our vision into a fully functioning outsourced customer service division that answers and helps nearly 90% of our inbound client support calls. Baja Call Center is a professional organization with over 800 employees in the US and Mexico providing services to over 25 US-based organizations. As a nearshore call center in Tijuana, Mexico, we offer a unique blend of US management techniques combined with affordable, professional, and reliable call center services in Mexico. At Baja Call Center, we believe that our success comes with our clients’ success.
San Diego, United States
Founded in 2014
251-500 Employees
Working industry
Business Services
Type of company
Service provider
Ownership structure
Privately Held
2 Locations
Number of services
1 Service
Specialised areas
Inbound and outbound phone support, chat, ticket and email support., Back office support, data entry, transcription, Phone sales, order taking, appointment setting, Cloud Based Dialer, Autodialing, PBX and Voip Termination rates., Call center seat leasing, Outsourcing/Offshoring
Baja Call Center Inc. offers a wide range of products and services
Services – BajaCallCenter
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United States
Overall risk estimation:
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Baja Call Center Inc. operates in 2 countries around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Baja Call Center Inc.
United States
San Diego
Baja California
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Baja Call Center Inc.
Where is Baja Call Center Inc. located?
The company headquarter of Baja Call Center Inc. is located in San Diego, California, United States. Baja Call Center Inc. has subsidiaries in Mexico
How many employees does Baja Call Center Inc. approximately have?
As of the latest available information Baja Call Center Inc. has around 251-500 employees worldwide.
When was Baja Call Center Inc. founded?
Baja Call Center Inc. was founded in 2014
In which industries does Baja Call Center Inc. mainly work?
The company Baja Call Center Inc. has it's main focus in the industries of Business Services
What is the current company status of Baja Call Center Inc.?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Baja Call Center Inc. seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Baja Call Center Inc.
Anexa BPO Call Center
Los Angeles, United States
1001-5000 Employees
We are proud to share that we have more than 2,800 agents executing government campaigns as well as providing tech support, sales and customer care for our customers’ domestic and offshore clients in Spanish and English. We are fully compliant with Ley Mexicana de Seguridad de la Información (Mexican Information Security Act) as well as ISO 27000 and 9000 standards. A company with almost 20 years of experience in the competitive market of Call Centers. From sales and help desk support to data entry and debt collection, we offer a one-stop solution for all your needs. Whether you are looking for a strategic partner to handle campaigns, provide tech support or improve customer care, you can count on us to meet your objectives and timelines. Offering a full range of services to improve sales, promote products, enhance customer experience and grow brand loyalty, we have dedicated resources to help you achieve your targets. No matter the call volume, we are never too busy to service any customer. State-of-the-art Spanish language call centers close to major US cities:.
Call Center Services International, LLC
Chula Vista, United States
1-10 Employees
CCSI is a call center services company that offers the best Nearshore Call Center Solutions, with strategically located centers in Tijuana (minutes from San Diego, California), Mexico City, and Guadalajara. CCSI’s management team has over 35-years of expertise in successfully establishing call center outsourcing operations in Mexico for U.S. Call Center Services International (CCSI) is a World-Class Contact Center with strategic locations throughout Nearshore Mexico. CCSI’s solution will allow you to reduce labor and operational costs while accomplishing your corporate performance objectives. Our Nearshore Outsourcing Solutions provide many competitive advantages, such as significant labor cost-savings of 50% versus the U.S., a large recruitment pool, proximity, IT land connections with the U.S. Our call center agents are fully bilingual, bicultural, well educated, and have expertise in a wide array of inbound call answering services and outbound call solutions, such as Debt Collection, Customer Service, Lead Generation/Sales, Loan Servicing, Quality Assurance/Call Monitoring and IT /Software Development. Our core business is to offer the best contact center solutions to help you establish a high-performance and cost-effective Nearshore Center in Mexico. Mexico is the largest business partner of the U.S.
1Click Contact Center
Tijuana, Mexico
51-100 Employees
A pioneer in outsourcing services for small business owners to Fortune 500 companies for over 10-years. Our INCREDIBLE agents, management team, pricing, and state-of-the-art facilities located downtown Tijuana, Mexico has made 1Click the go-to nearshore call center for outsourcing services. You can rely on us to fulfill your needs and deliver your business the BEST OUTSOURCING EXPERIENCE!
CyberCity Tijuana
Tijuana, Mexico
251-500 Employees
We are a nearshore call center that specializes in collections and more. We are a multinational company that offers customized call center solutions to provide the best customer experience. We provide companies of all sizes our expert appointment setting services. We are an e-mail and phone call away, otherwise would be a pleasure to host you at one of our campuses! Our culture is based on equality and inclusion and is a direct reflection of our people as a collective spirit—dedicated to supporting our customers. For companies of all sizes, we specialize in offering excellent inside sales services. Our process-oriented approach ensures that a product or service meets the established standards of quality. Provides companies a mechanism to comply with data protection when transferring personal data.
Birmingham, United Kingdom
11-50 Employees
What we are about, are background, and more. Our services are driven by the quality of our personnel, both management and service agents. Our service agents are fully bilingual, with the majority having previously lived in the US. We can promote your products and services to new markets (business or consumer) or provide care and retention to your existing customers. Basically, our goal is to partner with you and contribute to your success. We provide highly cost-effective call-center outsourcing and virtual assistant services of superior quality to our clients. We provide offshore Call Center Outsourcing Telemarketing Services (Business-To-Business and Business-To-Consumer), to clients in the Americas. Consequently we provide the experience and resources to help companies expand and grow their markets.
Chula Vista, United States
11-50 Employees
We are the best solution for all of your BPO services. Americallint is a nearshore call center, with offices in San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico. For over 15 years, Americallint has provided American and Mexican companies fully integrated and quantifiable strategic call center solutions. Americallint has a proven track record of implementing, executing and becoming a virtual office to represent your business’ core vision and principles to the outside world. Our goal is to represent you and take care of all of your customer’s needs while saving you time, capital, resources and exposure. Americallint was the call center responsible for cold calling potential customers in the Southern California area to set up solar sales appointments for one of the largest national solar companies. Americallint, has and is currently working with multiple Mortgage loan brokers on outbound campaigns to current homeowners. We provide real time access to recorded calls and partner with some of the best leaders in call analysis and recording.