BDP EnviroTech Logo

BDP EnviroTech

Who is BDP EnviroTech?

We are a global company headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland with additional branches in the USA, Germany, France and China. Our goal is to help you reduce your environmental impact while saving money. We are a trusted business partner for Governmental Agencies, Research and Education Institutions, Distributors, Private Agencies and Commercial Organizations in Engineering, Consulting and Environmental Services. Customer support means more than just providing product warranties. Biological Double-efficiency Process (BDP) solves a variety of serious wastewater problems and has become the emerging technology among industrial and municipal clients concerned about water quality. Compared to conventional wastewater treatment processes, BDP Technology provides significant reduction on your capital expenditures and operating expenses:. BDP EnviroTech offers an industry-focused partnership approach to environmental solutions, and coupled with cutting-edge technology and data-driven analytics, we have built a track record of success within the vertical markets we serve.

This company is:

Service provider

Baltimore, United States

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2012


Water Recycling
Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Water Purification
Environmental Services
Low Operating and Energy Cost
High Efficient Aeration
Environmental consultant
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services
High Total-Nitrogen Removal


Environment, Disposal and Recycling

Contact of BDP EnviroTech

City: Baltimore

State: Maryland

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about BDP EnviroTech

The company BDP EnviroTech is located in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information BDP EnviroTech has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

BDP EnviroTech was founded in 2012

The company BDP EnviroTech has it's main focus in the industries of Environment, Disposal and Recycling

Competitors of BDP EnviroTech

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