PrognoCIS by Bizmatics is an advanced cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHR) software tailored to optimize workflows and enhance productivity for ambulatory practices across various sizes and specialties. It offers robust features including customizable templates, seamless integration, and telemedicine capabilities, ensuring efficient patient care management. With a focus on improving clinical outcomes, PrognoCIS provides a user-friendly interface, comprehensive support, and scalable solutions to meet the unique needs of healthcare providers.
City of Niagara Falls, United States
Founded in 2002
251-500 Employees
Working industry
Healthcare, IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Manufacturer, Service provider
1 Headquarter
Specialised areas
Bizmatics Inc, Prognocis ehr, prognocis emr, bizmatics
An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United States
Overall risk estimation:
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Bizmatics Inc operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Bizmatics Inc
United States
New York
City of Niagara Falls
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Bizmatics Inc
Where is Bizmatics Inc located?
The company headquarter of Bizmatics Inc is located in City of Niagara Falls, New York, United States. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Bizmatics Inc approximately have?
As of the latest available information Bizmatics Inc has around 251-500 employees worldwide.
When was Bizmatics Inc founded?
Bizmatics Inc was founded in 2002
In which industries does Bizmatics Inc mainly work?
The company Bizmatics Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Healthcare, IT, Software and Services
What is the current company status of Bizmatics Inc?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Bizmatics Inc seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Bizmatics Inc
PrognoHealth Solutions India Pvt Ltd.
Pune, India
51-100 Employees
PrognoHealth is a unique healthcare ecosystem, designed to spread awareness about preventive healthcare and save lives through a state-of-the-art diagnostic center and alliance partnerships with leading healthcare providers (doctors, specialists, specialty hospitals, allied service providers, and insurance firms). Overview PrognoHealth is India’s first Retail Health Aggregator that is all set to revolutionize the way people look at integrated healthcare. At PrognoHealth, people and their health is the highest priority. As part of our unique initiative, we offer a gamut of Health Management Packages for individuals, Corporates, Pre & Post Insurance Check-ups, Health Advisory Services, and Electronic Health Records (EHRs). All these services are provided so that we can improve the quality of life for individuals and prevent lifestyle diseases. We mentor organizations and companies in securing their health assets and thereby improving organizational productivity. Our revolutionary EHR (Electronic Health Records) service is a repository of all your health information in cyberspace. This robust system is the first of its kind developed in consultation with stakeholders viz.
Clinic Pro Software
Sedona, United States
1-10 Employees
Our approach approach is to provide your organization the tools to provide the best care possible care delivery through cohesive service management and advanced delivery across healthcare sectors can make a difference. CLINICpro can add additional customizeds features to integrate into any practice delivering care solutions that offer seamless cohesion, information transparency, reliable coordination for efficient and appropriate treatment. Bundled Payments provide episode-based payments for risk-based care delivery for medicare & commercial insurers. We believe in enabling the evolution of ideas – creating emerging solutions and digital transformation of businesses to bring innovation that matters. All Clinicpro practice management products come with a 90 day free training and free support. Free electronic claims to Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare are offered by Clinicpro medical software.
Praxis EMR
Los Angeles, United States
11-50 Employees
Our goal at Praxis is not only to help physicians like you practice faster and easier medicine, but to become the most important medical information system in the world. Our vision is no less vital or ambitious. Medicine is an art as much as it is a science, and no two doctors practice the same way. To be sure, Praxis will help lower your stress and increase your productivity. Please join us in working towards a future where doctors can focus on patients, provide higher quality care, and derive greater satisfaction from their work. No other EHR enables the productivity, efficiency, and usability of Praxis. Software Advice by Gartner, the world's leading research and advisory company featuring online reviews of Electronic Heath Records, ranked Praxis EMR number one in Usability and Customer Satisfaction.
Edmonton, Canada
11-50 Employees
Clinisys EMR Inc is a privately owned Canadian corporation. Since 2013, Clinisys has been providing intelligent software solutions, data migration services, and data consulting expertise to the healthcare sector. Clinisys EMR Inc is an Edmonton based software and analytics company offering a variety of secure, scalable, and user-friendly e-Healthcare solutions and data services to the healthcare industry. Clinisys EMR is flexible, its templates are user friendly and it is time saver. During the project, Southlake clinicians worked closely with Clinisys data scientists to develop Machine Learning algorithms that could anticipate which patients were more likely to be readmitted. Proactive identification of these patients allowed clinical staff to provide appropriate interventions in order to decrease emergency department re-admissions.”.
Minneapolis, United States
11-50 Employees
At InPracSys we always strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and provide the most reliable EHR solutions to help improve clinic efficiency and profitability. InPracSys EHR V9.0 is a Ambulatory EHR ONC-ACB 2015 certified by SLI. InPracSys Version 9.0 was certified on December 6, 2019. InPracSys' intuitive billing feature allows your team to submit claims efficiently, saving you both time and money. Our services are designed to fit your flow, from collecting patient information and participating in clinical trials, to Meaningful Use attestation. Our services are easy, affordable and completely customizable to meet your needs. InPracSys Data Analytics offers clinics important valuable insight, from identifying good patient candidates for clinical trials, to outcome analysis for value-based modifier payments. Contact in InPracSys to find out what your data is trying to tell you.
Electronic Medical Records & Electronic Health Records Software
11-50 Employees
Finally Electronic Health Records & Practice Management Software that is both trusted and affordable » Learn More. Providers are seeing an immediate return on investment on their EMR, EHR and Practice Management software. Today, 1st Providers Choice provides a full array of health IT solutions, from fully certified EMR/EHR to Practice Management software, allowing practices to gain control of their billing, scheduling and medical record documentation. As a leader in EMR software providers, our software features built-in templates for daily visit notes for over 30 of the main medical specialties. We have a Reporting and Graphs Dashboard that gives office managers, administrators and providers an instant snapshot of exactly how their practice is doing. Our software has over 400 built-in reports and offers users the ability to easily generate custom reports to meet their unique requirements and needs. Other practice management features that are extremely valuable to providers and staff for better office organization and efficient billing include:. We also offer training videos, webinars, recorded training sessions, and more with our advanced Computer-Based Training Tool.