Blackall Mechanical Logo

Blackall Mechanical

Who is Blackall Mechanical?

We are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction, and our associates are at the heart of this effort. To execute our mission and bring about our vision through integrity, trust and the highest ethical standards. Our commitment is to provide customers with the quality of services that meets their technical requirements in the most cost effective manner while providing superior customer service. To consistently exceed customer expectations by delivering exceptional HVAC solutions. To be recognized as the industry’s leading commercial and industrial HVAC provider.

This company is:

Service provider

Farmers Branch, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2004

Products & services of Blackall Mechanical

Product Fighting the threats to your air - Solutions (continued) - Blackall Mechanical image


Fighting the threats to your air - Solutions (continued) - Blackall Mechanical

Electrostatic filters These filtration devices don't rely simply on paper or fiberglass to attract particles. Instead, they generate an electric field through which air passes. This gives the suspended particles in the air a positive or negative charge, causing them stick to either metal or plastic plates mounted inside the electrostatic filter. Electrostatic filters are more effective than disposable filters because they can charge and, therefore, collect particles that are small enough to pass through regular disposable filters. Electrostatic filters aren't disposable. Instead, they should be cleaned regularly by you or your dealer.

Product Smart home technology makes every day easier. - Blackall Mechanical image


Smart home technology makes every day easier. - Blackall Mechanical

It seems that every day is busier than the last, and there's never time to do everything you want. Fortunately, the things we use are pitching in to help. Smart home devices and appliances mean greater convenience, energy savings and peace of mind. Ranging from security to cooking, these devices usually feature a connection to your home Wi-Fi network and, more often than not, are accessible through your mobile device. This frees you up to do things on the go that used to require more dedicated time and attention. Smart Security Today's smart home technology can do amazing things to help keep you safe from crime, fire and other dangerous situations. And unlike old-fashioned alarm systems that only went off if something was wrong, today's smart security systems can not only protect you, they can also actually make your day more convenient. Smart Locks The lock is the most basic of all security devices. It keeps people out of places where you don't want them. Old locks used a key. Newer locks can use electronic keypads. But smart locks take security and convenience to a whole new level. By connecting to a central hub in your home via a wireless signal, smart locks can be locked and unlocked using your smartphone. So if a child forgets his or her key, a quick phone call to a parent gets them inside with ease. And if you have a house sitter watching your home while you're on vacation, you can grant them temporary access that expires the day you come home. Smart monitoring Today's smart home surveillance and monitoring systems have moved past security, and are now just as much about remote interaction. Crime prevention and safety are still important, but today's easy-to-implement, Internet-connected cameras allow you to watch a live video feed of what's happening in your home from anywhere in the world. This means you can watch out for danger, while also doing things like checking in on family and pets, or even seeing if there's a package waiting on your front steps. Smart HVAC is smarter than ever Older thermostats were fairly simple devices. They used mechanical switches to turn heating and cooling off based on ambient air temperature. You set one single temperature that was maintained all day and all night. This necessitated an ongoing battle between energy savings and comfort, because saving energy meant setting the temperature to a level that was either too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter. Then along came programmable thermostats, which helped make the situation a little more bearable. Now, your home temperature could be set to different levels based around the activity of your family. You could program the thermostat to keep your home at more comfortable temperatures when everyone was home and awake, then dial back to more energy-efficient temperatures when everyone was gone or fast asleep.

Product Commercial Plumbing Service and Repair image


Commercial Plumbing Service and Repair

Blackall Mechanical provides reliable Commercial Plumbing Service and Repair in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, TX.

View all products


Commercial HVAC
Commercial Plumbing Service
24 hr Emergency Responce
Commercial Mechanical Preventive Maintenance
Facilities Services



Contact of Blackall Mechanical

City: Farmers Branch

State: Texas

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Blackall Mechanical

The company Blackall Mechanical is located in Farmers Branch, Texas, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Blackall Mechanical has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Blackall Mechanical was founded in 2004

The company Blackall Mechanical has it's main focus in the industries of Administration

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