BlockTech B.V. Logo

BlockTech B.V.


Who is BlockTech B.V.?

Currently, we are mainly active in the field of cryptocurrency derivatives trading. It is our mission to improve transparency and increase liquidity within the market. But our goal is to go further than this. We are a recognized sponsor for non-EU candidates. BlockTech (originally known as CRATR) was founded by experienced professionals with backgrounds in software development and derivatives trading. As a company, we believe we can help to shape the future by developing tools which improve trading practices and liquidity within the market. We believe in a democratic trading system in which participants should be free of counterparty risk. Blockchain technology is relatively new and we believe it will change the future.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 2017


financial services


Financial Services

Contact of BlockTech B.V.

City: Amsterdam

State: North Holland

Country: Netherlands

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about BlockTech B.V.

The company BlockTech B.V. is located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information BlockTech B.V. has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

BlockTech B.V. was founded in 2017

The company BlockTech B.V. has it's main focus in the industries of Financial Services

Competitors of BlockTech B.V.

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