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BrauKon GmbH Logo

BrauKon GmbH

We are more than just a brewery manufacturer. We are the only equipment manufacturer to operate our own brewery, Camba Bavaria. There, our products are tested during operation and optimized to perfection. We are happy to offer our customers the opportunity to test our BrauKon systems in our own brewery in Seeon and to deepen their knowledge in our training courses. BrauKon supplies turnkey systems for the brewing and beverage industry worldwide. When you choose BrauKon, you choose quality and efficiency. Together with our customers, we develop ideas and let them mature into great projects. We plan and build individual brewery plants in our in-house production in Seeon.

Quick overview

Seeon-Seebruck, Germany

Founded in 2003

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Food and Beverage

Type of company

Manufacturer, Service provider

Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of products

8 Products

Number of services

8 Services

Specialised areas

Manufacturing, Administrative and Support Services, Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Building Equipment Contractors, Food & Beverages, Food products machinery Machinery installation , Business management, Office Administrative Services, Brewers' and maltsters' machinery, Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

Products & services of BrauKon GmbH

BrauKon GmbH offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Brewery filling systems from BrauKon | Highest quality meets passion


Brewery filling systems from BrauKon | Highest quality meets passion

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Product: Service - BrauKon


Service - BrauKon

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Product: Brewery filling systems from BrauKon | Highest quality meets passion


Brewery filling systems from BrauKon | Highest quality meets passion

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Product: Brewery equipment | High-quality technology for your brewery


Brewery equipment | High-quality technology for your brewery

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Product: Brewery planning with BrauKon | Your beer is always in the foreground


Brewery planning with BrauKon | Your beer is always in the foreground

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Product: Brauerei Abfüllanlagen von BrauKon | Höchste Qualität trifft Leidenschaft


Brauerei Abfüllanlagen von BrauKon | Höchste Qualität trifft Leidenschaft

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Product: Products Archive - BrauKon


Products Archive - BrauKon

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Product: Hochwertiges Brauerei Equipment von BrauKon


Hochwertiges Brauerei Equipment von BrauKon

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of BrauKon GmbH

Get insights into the use cases of BrauKon GmbH

UseCase: Brick Lane Brewing | BrauKon

Use case

Brick Lane Brewing | BrauKon

Erfahren Sie hier mehr, wie BrauKon die Entwicklung der Brick Lane Brewing begleiten durfte.

UseCase: Exemples de projets | BrauKon

Use case

Exemples de projets | BrauKon

Sur la base d'exemples de projets, nous présentons quelques-uns des systèmes de brassage complets développés et produits par BrauKon.

Headquarter of BrauKon GmbH

BrauKon GmbH operates in 1 country around the world

City: Seeon-Seebruck

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Locations of BrauKon GmbH

Get an overview of the locations of BrauKon GmbH









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about BrauKon GmbH

Some frequent questions that have been asked about BrauKon GmbH

The company headquarter of BrauKon GmbH is located in Seeon-Seebruck, Bavaria, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information BrauKon GmbH has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

BrauKon GmbH was founded in 2003

The company BrauKon GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company BrauKon GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of BrauKon GmbH

Check out some interesting alternative companies to BrauKon GmbH

Wachsmann Brautechnik GmbH's Logo

Wachsmann Brautechnik GmbH

Ulm, Germany

1-10 Employees


WACHSMANN® Brauereisysteme stehen unseren Kunden in 4 verschiedenen Modellen zur Verfügung – alle garantiert „handgefertigt in Deutschland“:. WACHSMANN® Hefepropagationsanlage Systeme gewähren dem Brauer während der Produktionsphasen immer frische, gärkräftige Hefe-Hochkräusen zum raschen Anstellen der Würze. Seit 1979 planen und liefern wir weltweit professionelle Gasthaus-Brauereianlagen in hochwertiger deutscher Qualitätsausführung, schlüsselfertig aus einer Hand. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Komplettpaket für Ihre Brauerei, eine Kombination aus zuverlässiger Brautechnik in Verbindung mit unseren umfassenden Kenntnissen der hohen Braukunst. Unsere in Deutschland (Bayern) handgefertigten Brauereianlagen basieren auf modernsten Technologien und Produktionsmethoden in Kombination mit traditionellen bayerischen Kupferschmiedetechniken. Dieser Aufwand garantiert unseren Kunden für Jahrzehnte eine reibungslose, zuverlässige Produktion. Noch vor Beginn der Montage bieten wir unseren Kunden eine solide, praxisbezogene Schulung in Brauhäusern an – sowohl in Deutschland als auch mehrsprachig im Ausland. Für die Einführung einer individuellen und erfolgreichen Marke erarbeiten wir klar definierte Markenwerte, d.h.

Brau-Konzept GmbH's Logo

Brau-Konzept GmbH

Fürstenwalde/Spree, Germany

1-10 Employees


Das Novum bei Kleinbrauereien liegt im hervorragenden Endprodukt - unserem Bier. Mit unserer langjährigen internationalen Erfahrung seit 1993 sind wir, die Brau-Konzept GmbH, der kompetente Partner für die Gesamtkonzeption und Herstellung Ihrer schlüsselfertigen Kleinbrauerei.

Czech Brewery System's Logo

Czech Brewery System

Opava, Czechia

1-10 Employees


We produce all equipment for the beverage production based on a long-time traditions and modern Czech conception. Main mission of the company is to spread the reputation of high quality Czech beer, Czech breweries and Czech beverage production machines over the world. Our design and production team offers construction and modernization of breweries and microbreweries. The breweries and brewing equipment manufactured by the "CZECH BREWERY SYSTEM" are installed in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Great Britain, Finland, France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Italy, Denmark, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Australia, USA and in many other countries of the world. Meet our team, which is responsible for the products offered, their development, quality and business activities of our company. Beer production equipment for industrial and craft breweries. Fruit processing equipment and alcoholic cider production lines.

BBS Bier & Brauerei Support GmbH's Logo

BBS Bier & Brauerei Support GmbH

Berlin, Germany

1-10 Employees


BBS Bier & Brauerei Support GmbH Hanoier Straße 5 12683 Berlin. Unser Expertenteam verfügt über mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung rund um das Thema Brauerei. Unsere Brausysteme sind Einzelstücke und werden nicht „von der Stange“ angeboten. Wir optimieren Ihre Produktion im Hinblick auf biologische, ökonomische und geschmackliche Stabilität Ihrer Biere. Hierzu erstellen wir Ihnen gerne SOPs und Produktionspläne, die klare Strukturen in Ihrem Unternehmen schaffen.

B'Brew's Logo


Roeselare, Belgium

1-10 Employees


All of our products have the right certifications for America, Europe and Asia. B’Brew is a Belgian engineered product known for its high quality of brewery machines and fair price. Lehui, who is the second largest brewery manufacturer in the world for industrial brewhouses is capable of building brewhouses up to 1000HL in brew length. Lehui has 30 years of experience in manufacturing brewery equipment and that is the reason B’Brew chose to work with Lehui to have the best B’Brew design combined with top quality brewery tanks. B’Brew also works with engineering and manufacturing companies all over the world. We co-operate with a South African manufacturing company, with who we cooperated to create very efficient CIP systems. Names like Heineken, Diageo and many more have also trusted in this company. B’Brew takes care of your shipments and installations, we are a top quality Belgian brand and it is B’Brew you are buying from.

Coenco Microbreweries's Logo

Coenco Microbreweries

Oostkamp, Belgium

11-50 Employees


At Coenco you buy more than just brewing equipment. At Coenco you don’t just buy brewing equipment, but a solution. Our service does not stop after purchase because you will remain a customer for life. Coenco Microbreweries is pleased to announce its participation as an exhibitor at the prestigious Braubeviale fair. Our specialists have years of experience in making the best professional brewing equipment, tailored to you and your product. Our knowledge and expertise in the brewing process is extensive. With their years of experience in the brewing industry, our specialists have all the knowledge they need to guide you from starting a microbrewery to expanding it.