Carraro SpA Logo

Carraro SpA

We are Carraro

Who is Carraro SpA?

We are the only ones able to manufacture the smallest gear up to the complete tractor. We manufacture transmission systems for tractors and off-highway vehicles, we are the key partners for the major manufacturers of agricultural and construction equipment. Our goal is to improve the lives of those who work daily with operating, agricultural and construction machines. Apart from the Carraro line, we also produce tractors for the leading names of the sector, like John Deere, Massey Ferguson, Class, Valtra and Antonio Carraro. We have always understood the needs of the market, anticipating trends with innovative solutions. Today our focus is on reducing emissions and maximising machine efficiency, both for earth moving machines and orchard and vineyard equipment. For over 30 years we've been a leading partner in the production of gears for agricultural machines, construction vehicles, goods handling vehicles and cars. We design and develop transmission systems for agricultural machines and construction equipment, combining mechanics, hydraulics and electronics to guarantee optimum vehicle efficiency.

This company is:

Service provider

Campodarsego, Italy

251-500 Employees

Founding year: 1932

Products & services of Carraro SpA

Product Other applications image


Other applications

Industrial plants, robotics, renewable energy and the railway industry.

Product Transmission systems image


Transmission systems

Transmission systems and gears of medium and large size.

Product Agriculture image



We make the heart of agricultural machines and the best specialised tractors.

View all products


Industrial trucks and tractors
Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
Industrial furnaces and ovens
Management consulting services Motor vehicle parts and accessories
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services



Contact of Carraro SpA

City: Campodarsego

State: Veneto

Country: Italy

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Carraro SpA

The company Carraro SpA is located in Campodarsego, Veneto, Italy. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Carraro SpA has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

Carraro SpA was founded in 1932

The company Carraro SpA has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Carraro SpA seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change