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Our teams of digital experts help you scale your business. With more than 20 years of experience we understand your challenges.

Quick overview

Hamburg, Germany

Founded in 2016

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

16 Services

Specialised areas

Holding companies, Management of Companies and Enterprises, Software

Products & services of CELLULAR GmbH

CELLULAR GmbH offers a wide range of products and services

Product: FFW Tjenester: Define. Build. Scale.


FFW Tjenester: Define. Build. Scale.

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Product: FFW Services: Define. Build. Scale.


FFW Services: Define. Build. Scale.

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Product: FFW Tjenester: Define.


FFW Tjenester: Define.

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Product: FFW Services: Define.


FFW Services: Define.

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Product: FFW Tjenester: Scale.


FFW Tjenester: Scale.

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Product: FFW Services: Build.


FFW Services: Build.

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Product: FFW Services: Scale.


FFW Services: Scale.

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Product: FFW Services: Define. Build. Scale.


FFW Services: Define. Build. Scale.

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of CELLULAR GmbH

Get insights into the use cases of CELLULAR GmbH

UseCase: Best Cases

Use case

Best Cases

Mit hvv switch die Mobilitätswende gestalten | Ikone ins rechte Licht gesetzt | Ob zu Hause oder an Bord: 365 Tage Kreuzfahrtfeeling | Überraschend anders: Öffentlich-rechtliches TV neu inszeniert | Nordische Metropole mit neuem Auftritt | Mehr Traffic, mehr Umsatz: Booster für den Beauty-Retailer | Headless-Plattform für Cyber Security-Anbieter

UseCase: Projecter

Use case


Et nyt centraliseret website samlede brandingen og resulterede i en bedre service til borgerne | Hightech for Hygge | Ikon i nyt perspektiv | En historie om websitestabilitet, international skalerbarhed og rekordstore onlinesalg | Krydstogt-oplevelsen starter allerede derhjemme | Public service-TV i spil igen | Bedre transport-muligheder med hvv switch | Succes med headless platform til førende cybersikkerheds-virksomhed | 6 websites, 3 virksomheder og 1 ny online presence | En platform, der gør livsændrende forandringer mulige for brugere overalt i verden | En agil og effektiv platform, der er bygget til at styrke brugerne og deres samarbejde | En robust platform, som fremmer behandlingen af læbe-ganespalte hos børn over hele verden

Headquarter of CELLULAR GmbH

CELLULAR GmbH operates in 1 country around the world

City: Hamburg

State: -

Country: Germany

Locations of CELLULAR GmbH

Get an overview of the locations of CELLULAR GmbH









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CELLULAR GmbH

Some frequent questions that have been asked about CELLULAR GmbH

The company headquarter of CELLULAR GmbH is located in Hamburg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information CELLULAR GmbH has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

CELLULAR GmbH was founded in 2016

The company CELLULAR GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CELLULAR GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of CELLULAR GmbH

Check out some interesting alternative companies to CELLULAR GmbH



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With over 30 years of combined experience, our team of highly specialized experts is dedicated to helping your business thrive, not just survive. You’re trying to scale your business offerings, locations, or revenue. We’ll take the time to learn about your business, your goals, and where you might have gaps in your marketing efforts.

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Digital PaceX

London, United Kingdom

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We are a team of experts with 10+ years of experience in designing and supporting digital channels. Our marketing experts are ready to assist you in developing digital channels to drive your outcomes.

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Bangkok, Thailand

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Our team of digital transformation experts is your key to navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape with confidence and success.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands

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In more than 10 years of experience, we've seen how hard it can be for companies to meet the digital needs of their customers. Our growing team of digital experts in Amsterdam — ranging from junior to seasoned designers and builders — is ready to help.We're more than just tech-savvy folks though. We've worked with big manufacturing companies, handling complex product ranges across different countries and customers. But we believe in creating and showing something new everyday. Ditch outdated ways of working and unlock new productivity levels with modern digital tools. We're here to bring your vision to the forefront, so you and your team get the credits you deserve. Deliver your brand's message with user-tested content that drives conversions and generates more leads. Whether it's a new product or a sustainability initiative.

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Powder Springs, United States

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