CFL Enterprise Ltd Logo

CFL Enterprise Ltd

Who is CFL Enterprise Ltd?

Our goal is always to be a long-term product development partner with our customers, facilitating brands to perform beyond their expectations. We are early adopters of technology that shortens lead-time and reduces waste — we use 3D modeling working in sync with your design team to refine styles before the cutting of any fabric. Enable our customers to bring their products to market faster, better, and more responsibly by delivering industry-leading, proactive, and customize-able Global GTM Solutions. Since 1978, we have focused on building relationships and working as the ideal partner <span class="red-serif">to provide effective</span> supply chain solutions for our customers. Our diverse product portfolio capability has expanded to embrace extended logistics solutions where we also deliver products directly to consumers on behalf of our customers.<br> <br> We are geared to assist brands in improving the efficiency of their supply chains — you can engage us on multiple product categories and capitalize on our expertise and leverage, or we can simply provide D2C logistics services as a standalone service to an e-commerce platform.<br> <br> We conduct our business with integrity. Led by our creative director of 20 years’ experience, product design and development is an essential part of our GTM solution. Managing the raw material sourcing from the development stage through to production, examining and verifying crucial details. We recognise that delivering quality products to our customers is fundamental to our commitment to them.

Kowloon, China

251-500 Employees

Founding year: 1978





Contact of CFL Enterprise Ltd

City: Kowloon

State: Hong Kong

Country: China

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CFL Enterprise Ltd

The company CFL Enterprise Ltd is located in Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information CFL Enterprise Ltd has around 251-500 employees worldwide.

CFL Enterprise Ltd was founded in 1978

The company CFL Enterprise Ltd has it's main focus in the industries of Textile

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CFL Enterprise Ltd seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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