This is a lasting memento of a token given in gratitude, celebrating a very special personal relationship with one of Britain's greatest monarchs.
London, United Kingdom
Founded in 1999
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Luxury Goods and Jewelry
Type of company
Service provider, Manufacturer
Ownership structure
Privately Held
2 Locations
Number of products
16 Products
Specialised areas
Luxury Goods & Jewelry
Clive Christian Perfume offers a wide range of products and services
X Feminine Sample – Clive Christian UK
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Matsukita Sample – Clive Christian UK
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Masculine Traveller Set Perfume | Clive Christian® – Clive Christian UK
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Town and Country – Clive Christian UK
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Jump Up And Kiss Me Hedonistic Perfume | Clive Christian® – Clive Christian UK
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Crab Apple Blossom Perfume | Clive Christian® – Clive Christian UK
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Contemporary Perfume | Clive Christian® – Clive Christian UK
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X Masculine Sample – Clive Christian UK
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United Kingdom
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Clive Christian Perfume operates in 2 countries around the world
Get an overview of the locations of Clive Christian Perfume
United Kingdom
Clive Christian Perfume USA Office
United States
New York
New York
Some frequent questions that have been asked about Clive Christian Perfume
Where is Clive Christian Perfume located?
The company headquarter of Clive Christian Perfume is located in London, England, United Kingdom. Clive Christian Perfume has subsidiaries in United States
How many employees does Clive Christian Perfume approximately have?
As of the latest available information Clive Christian Perfume has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was Clive Christian Perfume founded?
Clive Christian Perfume was founded in 1999
In which industries does Clive Christian Perfume mainly work?
The company Clive Christian Perfume has it's main focus in the industries of Luxury Goods and Jewelry
What is the current company status of Clive Christian Perfume?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Clive Christian Perfume seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
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Wappenham, United Kingdom
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We are very proud that it has become a memorial to the Queen.
Tonypandy, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
Punch (Queen Elizabeth II wearing jewellery bearing gift tags from foreign rulers.
Gillian Forbes Stonecarver
Folda, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
It is a unique tribute to a unique person and we are very grateful to you for bringing it to fruition.
United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
In 2022 the Worshipful Company of Mercers' commissioned an artwork to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth.
Maureen A. Marsh
Chalfont St Peter, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
Here is a rare opportunity to represent a selection of personal and special thoughts as a souvenir of an important occasion;. DISPATCH BY RECORDED DELIVERY IN THE UK - POST AND PACKAGING AT COST. No reproduction in part or whole by any method.
T E Shepherd Art & Illustration
Cherwell District, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
It is a beautiful piece of art and a cherished memory of a wonderful day. Thomas is a very gifted artist and these cards are just lovely!