The Home Of Naval Excellence | CMN NAVAL


We are committed to innovation and expanding our product range and solutions to meet our customer’s unique needs. CMN NAVAL is a world-renowned expert in designing, engineering and constructing top-of-the-line naval vessels, commercial vessels, and mega yachts. CMN NAVAL is a trusted partner for returning customers with a proven track record of providing vessels and support to over 48 navies worldwide, including those of NATO countries. CMN NAVAL’s design and engineering team have more than 70 years of experience in military and commercial ships building . CMN NAVAL has delivered more than 3,500 vessels and provided support to 48 navies around the world. Products range from 15-meter high-speed interceptors to frigates. CMN NAVAL has always been known for its innovative approach to shipbuilding. We not only build ships, but also trusted partnerships with our customers by carefully listening to their individual needs and requirements.

This company is:

Service provider

Paris, France

501-1000 Employees


Products & services of CMN NAVAL

Product Logistics Support, Management Systems & Transfer of Technology | CMN NAVAL image


Logistics Support, Management Systems & Transfer of Technology | CMN NAVAL

We specialise in providing turnkey solutions with application software, comprehensive database preparation, data entry, installation, commissioning and training services. Navies across the globe are relying on us to keep their fleets available and reliable 24/7.

Product Integrated Logistics Support | CMN NAVAL image


Integrated Logistics Support | CMN NAVAL

Integrated Logistics Support | Our Services | Subscribe To Our Newsletter

Product Products line Shipbuilding | CMN NAVAL image


Products line Shipbuilding | CMN NAVAL

CMN NAVAL’s products range from 15-meter high-speed interceptors to frigates of over 130 meters. CMN NAVAL has delivered more than 3,500 vessels and supported 42 navies around the world.

View all products




Maritime and Ship Building

Contact of CMN NAVAL

City: Paris

State: Ile-de-France

Country: France

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CMN NAVAL

The company CMN NAVAL is located in Paris, Ile-de-France, France. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information CMN NAVAL has around 501-1000 employees worldwide.

The company CMN NAVAL has it's main focus in the industries of Maritime and Ship Building

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CMN NAVAL seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change