Established in Germany, with additional offices in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Finland and France, compacer GmbH specialises in digital data integration and process automation solutions. A member of the eurodata group, compacer GmbH has been providing IT services and support to large corporations and SMEs for over 25 years. Its software platform, edbic, streamlines the receipt, processing and transmission of various data types, while its event monitoring software, edpem, provides real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities. These solutions enable companies to improve data accuracy, increase efficiency and secure data exchange. compacer GmbH adheres to strict data management, integration and automation standards and holds all required certifications. Their customised service packages include EDI and e-invoicing solutions with transparent service modules and fixed prices. With its software offerings, edbic and edpem, compacer GmbH provides tailor-made tools for every use case, helping organisations to synchronise data formats, standardise processes and effectively mitigate operational risks. To learn more, customers can contact their dedicated compacer representative.
Gärtringen, Germany
Founded in 1997
251-500 Employees
Working industry
IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Service provider, Distributor
1 Headquarter
Number of products
2 Products
Specialised areas
compacer, edbic, edpem, IIOT, digital retrofit, data strategy, tool supported migration, legacy systems, digital transformation, continuous monitoring
compacer GmbH offers a wide range of products and services
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of compacer GmbH
Use case
Continuous monitoring
The challenge Blickle has always prided itself on the superior quality of its wheels and castors. To further enhance this quality with modern technology, the company decided to migrate its production processes to Industry 4.0 standards. This planned transition should have minimal impact on the three-shift production operation, while maintaining flexibility and openness for future digitalization initiatives. The solution Blickle IT developed a concept to enable a sustainable and gradual transformation. At the heart of the strategy is edbic, which enables condition monitoring. Acting as a central data hub, edbic seamlessly extracts data from the machines, transfers it to the ERP system and provides full production transparency. The result With the implementation of edbic, machine data no longer reaches IT incomplete or delayed. Immediate data analysis enables rapid problem resolution. Automatic punching presses are monitored to determine output results, missing parts, quantities and more. By eliminating most of the Excel lists previously used, edbic has significantly streamlined operations. In polyurethane production, edbic identifies and corrects problems, contributing to Blickle's high quality castors and wheels. In addition, edbic is now being used beyond production, facilitating connections to payment providers in the web shop and establishing a communication link with SAP. Outlook for the future Blickle plans to further refine the system by using machine data comparison for predictive maintenance. In addition, the company is considering implementing the compacer IoT gateway to take communication between machines and the ERP system to a new level of automation.
Use case
IoT gateway and Industry 4.0 application
Industry 4.0, Manufacturing
The challenge: BURKHARDT+WEBER is renowned for its expertise in large machining centres. Headquartered in Reutlingen, Germany, the company has a global presence and supplies its products to customers around the world who place a premium on quality. For 130 years, BURKHARDT+WEBER has focused on developing state-of-the-art production solutions for the demanding machining of steel, cast iron and titanium components. The development of these machining centres is the collaborative work of interdisciplinary teams, and all essential components, as well as in-house developments, are manufactured within the company. The compacer IoT solution, built on the edbic platform, is planned for future integration into BURKHARDT+WEBER machining centres. The installation of the compacer IoT gateway enables data collection from the machine's control system. In the long term, BURKHARDT+WEBER machines will offer a wide range of data that can be examined in real time to provide a detailed overview of the machine's condition and efficiency on a dashboard. The solution: An IoT hub will process the collected data, enabling a variety of assessments and ensuring that the operator is kept informed at all times. With machines connected to the compactor solution, condition monitoring is possible, paving the way for the implementation of predictive maintenance. With this approach, BURKHARDT+WEBER enables its customers to successfully implement upcoming digital transformation projects within their production processes.
compacer GmbH operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of compacer GmbH
Some frequent questions that have been asked about compacer GmbH
Where is compacer GmbH located?
The company headquarter of compacer GmbH is located in Gärtringen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does compacer GmbH approximately have?
As of the latest available information compacer GmbH has around 251-500 employees worldwide.
When was compacer GmbH founded?
compacer GmbH was founded in 1997
In which industries does compacer GmbH mainly work?
The company compacer GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services
What is the current company status of compacer GmbH?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company compacer GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
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Compacer CZ s.r.o.
Ostrava, Czechia
51-100 Employees
Vyvíjíme unikátní softwarová řešení a již 25 let spolupracujeme na integracích těchto řešení a automatizaci kritických výrobních, logistických a obchodních procesů. Centrála compacer se nachází nedaleko Stuttgartu v Německu a pobočky jsou v České republice (Ostrava), Finsku (Turku), Francii (Paříž) a Nizozemsku. Ostravská pobočka compacer je velmi ambiciózní, rozrůstáme se o nové specialisty i celé týmy! Klienti si nás cení jako nezávislého technologického partnera, který jim pomáhá při optimalizaci a rozvoji bezpečných ekosystémů. Dokážeme flexibilně reagovat na individuální projektové požadavky našich klientů a podporujeme je v tom, aby se stali agilnějšími a efektivnějšími. U nás zažiješ, co je to svoboda, týmový duch a otevřený přístup. Věříme, že schopnost učit se a naslouchat, je základem pro ty nejlepší nápady, které v compacer vznikají.
AICOMP Consulting
Fort Lauderdale, United States
51-100 Employees
Aicomp is an SAP software and consulting company with ERP solutions for packaging manufacturers and variant configuration expertise with offices in the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. As one of the leading providers of configuration solutions for SAP ERP systems as well as implementation partner and reseller for SAP Cloud solutions, Aicomp offers software products and consulting services to support clients from mid-sized companies to global enterprises, with end-to-end scenarios and in particular with product configuration and product calculation. We work with the next generation of ERP systems. Through centers in EU, USA and a strong partner network. 2 training centers (USA/EU) keep your staff up-to-date.
EDAC Systems
Fredericksburg, United States
101-250 Employees
We provide the appropriate software and hardware to meet your changing needs. For almost 30 years, EDAC has been delivering solutions to both government and commercial clients in the following areas:. With considerable experience, EDAC delivers highly scalable, highly secure solutions. By combining EDAC’s expertise and its own products with hardware and/or software from OEMs such as IBM, IBML, Canon, RICOH (Formerly Fujitsu), Kodak Alaris and other “Best of Business” product providers, EDAC delivers and supports integrated solutions, products, and applications. By using predominately Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) products as the basis for a system’s architecture, EDAC reduces the risk of deployment, decreases the time to deployment, and provides a cost effective and upgradeable solution to its customers. The EDAC sales and engineering team are experts in designing, installing, implementing, and supporting solutions using IBM® Datacap®, FileNet®, the Digital Business Automation bundle, and others. In addition, EDAC integrated a number of its own products into the IBM Datacap advanced document capture platform. Integrated with IBM software, EDAC has developed its own products:.
Valencia, Spain
251-500 Employees
We develop global solutions for electronic data interchange (EDI), compliant e-Invoicing, digital VAT reporting and application integration based on efficient SaaS models. We develop certified electronic services to automate electronic VAT reporting and tax declarations with tax authorities in the European and Latin American regions. We develop EDI and e-Invoicing solutions adapted to the daily operations of your industry. EDI services for business document interchange between clients and providers. EDICOM is one of the leading multinationals specializing in electronic data interchange (B2B transactions, B2B and B2G electronic invoicing, tax compliance) and qualified trust services based on our self-developed technological infrastructure. With over 25 years of experience, our cloud solutions facilitate the exchange of over 500 million transactions per year thanks to a robust infrastructure in SaaS mode with guaranteed maximum availability and 24/7 monitoring. We specialize in developing data integration systems in SaaS (Software as a Service) mode. The Customer Service Center runs with maximum efficiency, offering minimum response times thanks to the ability of our specialized technicians to solve problems in real time.
c-Com GmbH
Aalen, Germany
- Employees
We, c-Com GmbH, are a young company founded in 2017 and a subsidiary of the globally operating MAPAL Group. Our goal is to digitize the industry by providing data and thus to further advance modernization, connectivity and automatization. By using c-Com, the processes of all parties involved are optimized, a common understanding of the entire value creation process is created and the cooperation between the partners is strenghtened. Our products are software and delivered as a service (cloud) or for your own data center. With the open cloud platform c-Com we already enabling our international customers to implement a innovative and collaborative data management for tools and other components in the manufacturing environment with unprecedented efficiency. Beyond data management, we at c-Com also focus on forward-looking topics such as data analytics and use innovative technologies such as machine learning. As a result, data at c-Com are not only managed, but also actively used to gain deeper insight into processes and optimize them. Combining process, machining, tooling and IT know how - our experts speak your language.
CompData Computer GmbH
Albstadt, Germany
51-100 Employees
Das CompData Team ist permanent mit dem Ohr am Markt und im Austausch mit unseren Netzwerkpartnern. Wir bescheinigen CompData eine hohe Kompetenz und schnelle Reaktion; dies führt zu einem hohen Maß an Vertrauen und lässt uns zuversichtlich in die Zukunft schauen.“. Wir sind sehr glücklich, mit dem CompData-Team zu arbeiten!“. Wir bieten Ihnen leistungsfähige Hardware und Netzwerke, die Implementierung idealerweise virtualisiert und redundant gesichert. Als spezialisierter IT-Dienstleister für mittelständische Unternehmen erarbeiten wir mit unseren Kunden maßgeschneiderte Konzepte. Neben der Betreuung der kompletten IT-Infrastruktur bietet CompData allen Kunden vollständig integrierten Software-Lösungen an. Unsere IT-Sicherheitsexperten kümmern sich um eine bestmögliche Absicherung der Kundensysteme. Eingangsrechnungen schnell und effizient im digitalen Workflow verarbeiten.