Completely Green Logo

Completely Green

Who is Completely Green?

We are highly knowledgeable and experienced in all green technology areas, and we offer help and advice to anyone wishing to make their home and lifestyle greener. Although we are very diverse in the range of technologies we cover and can advise upon, we still keep our business and approach very personal, and everyone work with the company genuinely cares about every install we arrange, and every family we do it for. We are here to help with honest information and non-brand or technology biased advice, to assist you in choosing the right measures for your project, and to achieve your renewable goals. We are happy to help set up a payment plan for you if this makes your purchase easier and more affordable. We are highly knowledgeable and experienced advisers, with a network of the very best installers of every green and renewable technology. As well as offering honest and reliable advice, we have our own network of experienced installers of every green and renewable technology, (from heat pumps to battery storage). Together with our approved installers we can provide a very thorough and well-rounded assessment of your renewable energy needs, and make sure a system, or combination of systems is designed to suit your specific requirements perfectly. Our broad mix of highly experienced approved installers mean that we are able to install any key green technology, to the highest possible installation standard, with the convenience of dealing through one reputable coordinating company.

This company is:


Radstock, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2017


Solar PV Panel Installations
Home Battery Strorage Systems
Air Source Heat Pumps
Ground Source Heat Pumps
Biomass Boiler installations
High Efficiency Log Fires
Solar Thermal Pool Heating
Heat Recovery Systems
Rainwater Harvesting
Electric Vehicle Charge Points
Renewables & Environment


Oil, Energy and Gas

Contact of Completely Green

City: Radstock

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Completely Green

The company Completely Green is located in Radstock, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Completely Green has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Completely Green was founded in 2017

The company Completely Green has it's main focus in the industries of Oil, Energy and Gas

Competitors of Completely Green

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