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Alternative Center for Continuing Education and Seminar Solutions Inc.'s Logo

Alternative Center for Continuing Education and Seminar Solutions Inc.

Makati, Philippines

11-50 Employees


We are the first company to present to the Supreme Court en banc the concept of online MCLE in the Philippine context. Peaches Martinez – Aranas to provide more accessible alternatives to the traditional delivery of continuing education for lawyers, accountants and other professionals. Alex Canata, co-founder of ACCESS was then supported staff of an MCLE provider. Over the years, starting as tech support Alex worked the planning, marketing, registration, delivery, post reporting and record-keeping of MCLE seminars for thousands of lawyers across 5 compliance periods. In 2018, ACCESS together with Adamson Law provided a record-breaking 13 series and 14 series in 2019. Our lecturers are legal luminaries and subject matter experts that you can trust. Our curated courses are current and relevant delivered through interactive modules with gamification and knowledge checks.




1-10 Employees


Canadian legal professionals obtain easily accessible Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits by listening to LAWPOD.

MindSharp's Logo


Cape Town, South Africa

11-50 Employees


We are 100% committed to being with you at every step of your online CPD journey, no exceptions. These courses provide quick wins for busy professionals and can fast track careers in a matter of weeks or months. This relentless focus on quality is reflected in the increasing number of students who attend ADvTECH institutions of learning every single year. Delivering on academic excellence is a critically important part of the group strategy, and the academic strategy is key to the schools and tertiary divisions. The Marketing Association of South Africa is the professional body for the South African marketing profession and the representative voice for organisations and individuals within the South Africa marketing industry. Our courses offer highly industry relevant, application-oriented skills development in your area of focus. Our courses are backed by ADvTECH and offer: CPD points through MASA, and or accredited certificates of recognition through IIE. ADvTECH is Africa’s leading provider of private education.

CPDStore UK's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


The topics are relevant, current and delivered by a fantastics range of speakers. The CPD Store team provide all this in an easy to book platform and always with a smile.". It just makes senses to use them as your main provider.". This is the convenient, efficient way to improve and expand your accounting knowledge - all while providing a better service to your clients. Elevate your knowledge in a particular field by selecting any of our expert CPDStore courses, or becoming a member now. Over a decade of leading the risk and professional standards team at a large firm, has made Edward capable of consulting you with even the most complex technical and regulatory issues. Simon has over 20 years of experience helping innovative companies and their advisors with R&D tax relief claims and other tax incentives. Emma Rawson is a technical officer with the Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT).

Child Psychology Institute's Logo

Child Psychology Institute

Loughrea Municipal District, Ireland

1-10 Employees


We are focused on constantly increasing our social impact so we guarantee our courses are meaningful, impactful and, quite honestly, life-changing. We believe in sharing up-to-date and relevant information about mental health issues in a relaxed, informal and relatable way. Teachers, you are struggling right now and we know there is a deep sense of fatigue and overwhelm. Meet Lorraine, an award-winning social entrepreneur and author with a passion for protecting at-risk children. As Department of Education and Skills approved course providers, we are committed to developing meaningful and practical EPV Summer Courses so you will be equipped with theoretical psychology concepts and effective strategies to support the children in your classroom. We offer lifetime access so you can come back to your course whenever you need to, as and when new issues arise. The CPD Certification Service provides recognised independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD requirements.

Law Seminars International's Logo

Law Seminars International

Seattle, United States

11-50 Employees


Our robust interactive broadcasting platform enables us to be your premier virtual CLE company for lawyers, land use planners, and environmental professionals. Our wonderful on screen hosting and control room team ensure that the programs go very smoothly and with excellet production values. We're committed to staying on the technological cutting edge for interactivity. Our live event format may have changed to keep everyone safe during the pandemic, but our mission remains the same. We design our programs to offer you insights and tools to enable you to master today's issues and plan ahead with solutions for the ones coming over the horizon.