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CPhI Logo


CPhI is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. CPHI has been uniting pharma professionals for over three decades. This makes us the largest and most sought-after event in the industry, putting CPHI at the heart of pharma. What drives us is the shared desire to create an accessible industry that improves global health. We believe in learning from each other to create better solutions, build better experiences and be a better company.

Quick overview

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Founded in 1990

51-100 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Media and Entertainment

Type of company


Ownership structure

Public Company


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

Pharmaceutical Industry, pharmaceutical outsourcing, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Biopharmaceutical, laboratory, analytical & biotechnology instrumentation, finished dosage, medical devices, bioprocessing, natural extract products, cleanroom technology

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Headquarter of CPhI

CPhI operates in 1 country around the world

City: Amsterdam

State: North Holland

Country: Netherlands

Locations of CPhI

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North Holland


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about CPhI

Some frequent questions that have been asked about CPhI

The company headquarter of CPhI is located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information CPhI has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

CPhI was founded in 1990

The company CPhI has it's main focus in the industries of Media and Entertainment

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company CPhI seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of CPhI

Check out some interesting alternative companies to CPhI



Xiamen City, China

1-10 Employees


CPhI China is the premier professional trade exchange event in the vertical pharmaceutical industry of the global pharmaceutical industry.

PharmaLytica's Logo


Mumbai, India

51-100 Employees


Pharmalytica site is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. PharmaLytica has emerged as the premier marketplace for products and services across the entire value chain in specialized sectors within the pharmaceutical industry. Informa Markets in India, formerly known as UBM India, stands as the foremost exhibition organizer in the country. Committed to assisting specialist markets and customer communities, both domestically and globally, the organization facilitates trade, innovation, and growth through a comprehensive range of services, including exhibitions, digital content, and conferences. Informa Markets is a part of Informa PLC, a prominent B2B information services group and the world's largest B2B events organizer. Serving as a platform for the latest industry trends, innovations, and business opportunities, PharmaLytica caters to the Pharmaceutical community, offering insights and connections in Pharma Machinery & Packaging, Lab Analytical & Cleanroom, and Pharma Ingredients segments. The eagerly anticipated 10th edition of PharmaLytica is set to return from May 30 to June 1, 2024, at HITEX, Hyderabad. Heading highly responsible parts of vaccines research, manufacturing (CMC) Drug Substance, Drug Product, and Analytical development.

Zhejiang Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.'s Logo

Zhejiang Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.

Lishui District, China

251-500 Employees


CPhI Worldwide Europe (Pharmaceutical Raw Materials Europe Exhibition) is the largest pharmaceutical raw materials exhibition in Europe and is held every year in a different European city. The exhibition aims to provide a platform for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to showcase the latest products and technologies, share industry exper. FIME is the largest medical specialty show in the southeastern United States. Trade Alert - Delivering the latest product trends and industry news straight to your inbox.



Barberà del Vallès, Spain

51-100 Employees


Products of high efficacy demonstrated with in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro studies. PCHi provides a one-stop platform for peer-to-peer information exchange on emerging market trends, technological innovations, new scientific developments, and updates on international regulations. Through various marketing initiatives such as the PCHi Cybrary, the PCHi Online Scheduler, and comprehensive market briefings and presentations, PCHi is able to successfully bridge like-minded businesses together to trade and explore collaborate.PCHi is supported by industry-leading trade associations such as the China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industries (CAFFCI), the China Association of Surfactant Soap and Detergent Industries (CASSDI), and numerous international trade media.We invite you to visit our stand. Celebrating excellence in the field of ingredient innovation, in-cosmetics Global also offers high-quality education on the latest science and trends.

C2 PHARMA's Logo


Cork, Ireland

11-50 Employees


We are a key sponsor of the “Partnerships for a Better World” program that ensures sustainable, traceable and fair-trade harvesting and sourcing of raw materials for the manufacturing of APIs, such as pilocarpine. We are also a member of the United Nations Global Compact: the UN encourages businesses and corporations around the world to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation. We are proud to comply with the four main areas of focus: human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. C2 PHARMA is an Irish-based pharmaceutical group established in 2014. It manufactures and distributes active pharmaceutical ingredients (APls) and complex chemical compounds obtained from synthetic and natural origins. With our current API product portfolio, we reach more than 200 pharmaceutical companies across the United States, Western and Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, Middle East, and Africa. C2 PHARMA also offers customized GDP-compliant cold-chain warehousing and logistics solutions through its specialized affiliateLogistics4Pharma (Frankfurt, Germany). C2 PHARMA is a pharmaceutical group established in 2014.

California Precision Hydraulics Inc's Logo

California Precision Hydraulics Inc

Agoura Hills, United States

11-50 Employees


At CPHI, we are committed to improving and expanding our capabilities and processes in an effort to deliver the best quality and highest reliability to our customers. We are proud that "Quality" is not just part of our slogan, it IS what we do. Time after time, our products have met or exceeded the highest standards demanded in today's challenging market. Founded on August 2, 1993 by Jack Battalia and Dalibor Svoboda as a California Corporation, California Precision Hydraulics, Inc. Relying on almost 70 years of combined experience performing repairs and manufacturing parts for the aerospace industry, we have the mission of providing our customers a service and product that meets or exceeds OEM specifications. Since CPHI was founded over 20 years ago, we have expanded our customer base to include both foreign and domestic airline and MRO customers. With a focus on piston and shoe assemblies, we have manufactured and repaired tens of thousands of parts for over 30 different airlines and MRO facilities. CPHI has approvals for manufacturing, or repairing, of precision parts for Constant Speed Drives (CSD), Integrated Drive Generators (IDG), and hydraulic pump/motors.