Creative Mines, LLC Logo

Creative Mines, LLC

Luxury Stone Veneer Manufacturer | Creative Mines

Who is Creative Mines, LLC?

Our goal is to always deliver products that are relevant today and stand the test of time. We are makers; a unique and talented team of experts with a collective purpose centered around creating high-design, technically superior products while providing an exceptional service experience. It's a difference you'll feel — in our products, in our enthusiasm for your project and in our service every step of the way. Our industry-leading freeze-thaw durability with 0% degradation, 3800 PSI compressive strength and superior resistance to moisture intrusion and unsightly efflorescence is unmatched. Like the structures of Ancient Rome, Creative Mines masonry veneer is the only manufactured stone company using pozzolan - a natural additive found in icons like the Colosseum. Using a combination of post industrial and natural materials, Creative Mines product mixes offer our team of skilled artisans a sustainable palette for breathtaking color and texture combinations hand created that replicate nature for a classic aesthetic or a bold dynamic for today's fashion-forward styles. Founded by pioneers in the Stone & Masonry Veneer space, Creative Mines is a company obsessed with delivering the exceptional.

This company is:


Carlsbad, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2011

Products & services of Creative Mines, LLC

Product Creative Mines image


Creative Mines

Textured faces, rectilinear shapes and straight edges creates a distinct shadowplay.

Product Creative Mines image


Creative Mines

Split-face texture and rectangular shape.

Product Creative Mines image


Creative Mines

Creative Mines offer modular stone with clean cut edges, split faces and the occasional pronounced sawtooth texture.

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Masonry and other stonework
Architectural Stone Veneer
Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
Craft Masonry Veneer
Building Supplies
Building Materials
Stone Veneer
Stone Siding
Natural Stone
Stone Products
Specialty Trade Contractors
Masonry Products


Real Estate

Contact of Creative Mines, LLC

City: Carlsbad

State: California

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Creative Mines, LLC

The company Creative Mines, LLC is located in Carlsbad, California, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Creative Mines, LLC has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Creative Mines, LLC was founded in 2011

The company Creative Mines, LLC has it's main focus in the industries of Real Estate

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Creative Mines, LLC seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Creative Mines, LLC

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