Cryo Technologies Logo

Cryo Technologies

Cooler By Design® | Chart Industries

Who is Cryo Technologies?

Chart Industries provides Services and Equipment for Cryogenic Liquefaction of gases such as Hydrogen, LNG, Argon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen.

This company is:

Service provider

Allentown, United States



Products & services of Cryo Technologies

Product Cryo-Lease Equipment | Chart Industries image


Cryo-Lease Equipment | Chart Industries

Chart's Cryo-Lease program provides leasing options for our principal equipment including cryogenic tanks, trailers, nitrogen dosers and more. Available across North America and rapidly expanding in Europe.

Product Regasification Small Scale LNG  | Chart Industries image


Regasification Small Scale LNG | Chart Industries

Chart is a key player in the development of small-scale LNG and the associated infrastructure by bringing natural gas power to off-grid locations and providing an alternative transport fuel.

Product Nitrogen Dosing | Chart Industries image


Nitrogen Dosing | Chart Industries

Liquid nitrogen for food and beverage packaging, preservation, freezing and MAP. Reduces waste and extends shelf life.

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Machinery Manufacturing



Contact of Cryo Technologies

City: Allentown

State: Pennsylvania

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Cryo Technologies

The company Cryo Technologies is located in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

The company Cryo Technologies has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing