DAQ Electronics Logo

DAQ Electronics

DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA

Who is DAQ Electronics?

The core expertise of DAQ Electronics lies in the automation of complex processes for both security and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) applications. Always a key priority, DAQ strives to simplify the installation and management of our automated systems, incorporating extensive, user-friendly configuration options into our suite of security and SCADA products and emphasizing interoperability between modules. Today, thousands of installed DAQ remote terminal units (RTUs) and sub-devices are serving to protect assets in military and commercial environments and manage power distribution functions for electric utilities. Founded in 1975, DAQ pioneered distributed processing for SCADA applications in multiple industries, including electric, petrochemical, water/waste water, transportation and communications. By facilitating the secure, high-speed transmission of data between remote locations, DAQ technology introduced a high level of automation to utility operations. As the company expanded, development projects primarily focused on the design of advanced RTUs for use by electric utilities, providing increased functionality for power monitoring and distribution. Since expanding into the security market, DAQ products have been incorporated into numerous U.S. For more than 45 years, DAQ Electronics has been a leader in the field of high-speed electronic automation, serving applications in both the physical security and SCADA markets.

This company is:


Parsippany-Troy Hills, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1975

Products & services of DAQ Electronics

Product Our Technology - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA image


Our Technology - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA

Our Technology | Automation Solutions | Innovative Products

Product SCADA - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA image


SCADA - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA

SCADA | Cost-Effective Automation Solutions | Technology Features | High-speed Processing | Simplified Automation | Document Links | Callisto Overview | SCADA Customer List

Product Security - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA image


Security - DAQ Electronics - Integrated Solutions for Security and SCADA

Security | Vertical Markets | The BACnet Automation Advantage | Integrated Core Capabilities | Product Innovation | Document Links | Forward-Looking Security Solutions | Security Customer List

View all products




Consumer Electronics

Contact of DAQ Electronics

City: Parsippany-Troy Hills

State: New Jersey

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about DAQ Electronics

The company DAQ Electronics is located in Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information DAQ Electronics has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

DAQ Electronics was founded in 1975

The company DAQ Electronics has it's main focus in the industries of Consumer Electronics, Hardware

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company DAQ Electronics seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of DAQ Electronics

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