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dataecosystem.Ai Logo


Our products include the ecosystem.Ai Workbench, which is the user interface that allows you access to a multitude of data science and deployment functionalities, making it easier for your entire data science team to collaborate with the rest of business, to enable faster and more relevant use cases. Data Eco is the master reseller of the ecosystem.ai software product. This, together with many years of pre-integrating and containerising the industry’s leading technologies and techniques, has enabled ecosystem.Ai to radically remove complexity, contain the cost and compact the time to move from hypothesis to business value. There is a focus on using artificial intelligence to understand customers better, to ensure successful business outcomes. Machine learning is the key to making good predictions. We have made it our mission to ensure that only the highest degree of data ethics are integrated seamlessly into an organisation’s environment, to assist businesses in building a data ecosystem to steer you towards better customer engagements. Human Factor: Customers behave differently, do not respond to generic offers, are continually influenced and are continually changing. Providing the tools and means to make better predictions, we are excited by the opportunities that artificial intelligence has to offer.

Quick overview

Cape Town, South Africa

Founded in 2021

11-50 Employees


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Working industry

IT, Software and Services

Type of company


Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

Computational Social Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Automation, Human Behavior,, Digital Strategy, Analytics, Algorithms, Information Technology & Services

ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


South Africa

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



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Use Cases of dataecosystem.Ai

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UseCase: Projects Archive - dataecosystem.ai

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Projects Archive - dataecosystem.ai

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Headquarter of dataecosystem.Ai

dataecosystem.Ai operates in 1 country around the world

City: Cape Town

State: Western Cape

Country: South Africa

Locations of dataecosystem.Ai

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South Africa

Western Cape

Cape Town

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about dataecosystem.Ai

Some frequent questions that have been asked about dataecosystem.Ai

The company headquarter of dataecosystem.Ai is located in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information dataecosystem.Ai has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

dataecosystem.Ai was founded in 2021

The company dataecosystem.Ai has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company dataecosystem.Ai seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of dataecosystem.Ai

Check out some interesting alternative companies to dataecosystem.Ai

XGen's Logo


New York, United States

11-50 Employees


Our mission is to empower eCommerce teams to rapidly, deploy and implement AI into their digital ecosystem. We are placing brands in control of shaping the future of their own AI. We are not a closed system; we are a unique composable AI solution for eCommerce. We provide you the tools to quickly and seamlessly design and construct tailored solutions that cater exclusively to your needs, ensuring they are uniquely yours. Our products are designed for a rapid start, providing you a comprehensive set of tools, including Data Set Management, an eComm-ready Model Library, and Experience Deployment. Our user-friendly eCommerce Artificial Intelligence Platform (eAIP) provides the tools to design and construct tailored solutions that require no prior AI experience. Our comprehensive eComm-ready AI Model library, offers Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, Generative AI, and Quantum AI. Each product is a self-contained toolkit for building and generating fast results with your AI.

Dystematic's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We develop enterprise-grade data analytics applications that help your organisation extract valuable insights from your data in a fraction of the time and cost of in-house solutions. Engine AI provides our customers with actionable insights from large multi-source data. Our agile, responsive applications supercharge the end-user’s productivity without disrupting workflows. Whether catering to internal or external end-user needs, we offer scalable solutions that suit your requirements. Leverage our purpose-built AI platform to create future proof data analytics solutions. Unlock the full potential of your data, enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and drive informed decision-making with our intuitive platform. Our platform delivers top-tier, enterprise-grade applications without burdening your internal teams. Our institutional guardrails safeguard your IP and promote transparency through access permissions, source attribution and user analytics.

Dystematic's Logo


London, United Kingdom

11-50 Employees


We develop enterprise-grade data analytics applications that help your organisation extract valuable insights from your data in a fraction of the time and cost of in-house solutions. Engine AI provides our customers with actionable insights from large multi-source data. Our agile, responsive applications supercharge the end-user’s productivity without disrupting workflows. Whether catering to internal or external end-user needs, we offer scalable solutions that suit your requirements. Leverage our purpose-built AI platform to create future proof data analytics solutions. Unlock the full potential of your data, enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and drive informed decision-making with our intuitive platform. Our platform delivers top-tier, enterprise-grade applications without burdening your internal teams. Our institutional guardrails safeguard your IP and promote transparency through access permissions, source attribution and user analytics.

SMART-iX's Logo


Stuttgart, Germany

1-10 Employees


We are a Technology Leader in Smart Ecosystems. We Enable AI-based Intelligent Customer Experiences. Simply the Best Smart-X Platform to Change Your Life. 1 Single App/UI to Experience a Smart World. Visualize personalized smart experiences for your customers. Our Technology helps you to create & release new experiences that follow your required branding within no time. Integrate all Smart Devices, Apps & Services across industry boundaries and make them all work together. Break the Silos and Benefit by the existing Marketplace. Realize unique Artificial Intelligence by our "AI/ML as a Service" and create successful AI Products. Seamlessly analyse & learn from SmartEcosystems so that all service works together in an intelligent & proactive way. Effortlessly serve a multitude of use cases for AI/ML-based scenarios around smart lifestyle in a breeze.

Synapps's Logo



1-10 Employees


We develop and deploy applications that are perfectly integrated into customer ecosystem environment. We provide decisional support tools which are able to process significant volumes of complex data, quickly in a flexible way and adaptable to the business changes. We believe that the adoption of AI technologies is a fundamental step for business improvement to face the quick changes of the markets. This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services. Talk about your team and what services you provide. For example, knowing in advance the specific market trends or how much your products will sell can help the decision-making process of a company. In supervised machine learning a model is built using labeled data, with the goal of learning to make predictions on unseen observations. The environments are prepared for the release in production of the model and the monitoring for the Continuous improvement cycle is activated, in order to guarantee your company optimal performance in all circumstances.

Steradian Data Optima's Logo

Steradian Data Optima

Special Region of Jakarta, Indonesia

11-50 Employees


Enterprise-grade data science, machine learning and AI powering next generation of products and solutions. Looking for help? Get in touch with us. We make easy access to data and path to AI-Powered Business. Game-changing and reliable solutions using Machine Learning and Data Engineering solutions & technologies in building complex and innovative solutions. Help companies to monetize data using Data Science.