Dfn srl Logo

Dfn srl

DFN - Luxury Outdoor Furniture and Projects

Who is Dfn srl?

DFN is an Italian company established in 2013 that has brought together and tapped into the wealth of experience offered by a group of professionals and entrepreneurs operating in the construction and furnishings industries. DFN develops, manufactures and distributes luxury outdoor furnishing collections together with solutions to safely protect and elegantly decorate your environment as gazebo or winter garden.The company creates furnishings designed to offer the utmost comfort and resistance to weather conditions, thanks to the use of high-quality materials and the finest workmanship. Management team with more than 35 years of experience in the industry. Continuous research to discover the most innovative solutions and materials. A dedicated team following customers from the initial idea to creation of the finished product. Leading company in the production of furnishings made with woven materials. Customers can choose from a complete range of products: from furnishings, to kitchens and conservatories. DFN offers a vast array of outdoor collections to fully meet your requirements in the creation of elegant external solutions.

Fano, Italy

11-50 Employees


Products & services of Dfn srl

Product Pergola Bioclimatica - DFN Luxury Outdoor furniture and Projects image


Pergola Bioclimatica - DFN Luxury Outdoor furniture and Projects

La Casa dei Limoni declina il suo stile unico anche nella realizzazione di strutture piane quali le pergole bioclimatiche. La proposta prevede strutture con tetto composto da lamelle orientabili motorizzate che garantiscono protezione solare, ricircolo d’aria 

Product La Casa dei Limoni - DFN Luxury Outdoor Furniture and Projects image


La Casa dei Limoni - DFN Luxury Outdoor Furniture and Projects

La Casa dei Limoni ripensa al tema dei giardini d’inverno in maniera totalmente nuova. Al cliente viene offerta la visione di giochi cromatici, stili, linee, decori, ombre e luci che danno vita a opere in ferro e vetro di grande charme.

Product Samuele Mazza Outdoor Collection - DFNSRL image


Samuele Mazza Outdoor Collection - DFNSRL

Samuele Mazza Outdoor Collection è dedicata a tutti coloro che amano un design glamour ma allo stesso tempo classico. è caratterizzata da arredi raffinati che combinano stile e durata per un ambiente esterno unico. L’artigianato e la cura dei dettagli, si sposano con l’intuizione, lo stile e la passione per l’arredamento

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Business Supplies and Equipment

Contact of Dfn srl

City: Fano

State: Marche

Country: Italy

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Dfn srl

The company Dfn srl is located in Fano, Marche, Italy. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Dfn srl has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

The company Dfn srl has it's main focus in the industries of Business Supplies and Equipment

Competitors of Dfn srl

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