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Diehl Ventures Logo

Diehl Ventures

Diehl Metall offers a broad spectrum of innovative products and technologies in the area of metal processing. Diehl Controls is one of the world's leading suppliers in the home appliance and HVAC/R industry - from development to industrialization to high-tech production. Diehl Defence combines the Diehl Group’s activities in defence and security. Diehl companies are important partners of the German and international armed forces. Diehl Aviation is a globally active company, employing people whose passion for aviation is as great as their pursuit of excellence. Diehl Metering provides smart metering solutions to utilities companies through the intelligent networking of various metering devices into larger data platforms. Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2024: Diehl Brass Solutions presents the new lead-free standards brass eZeebrass. Diehl Aviation offers its customers excellent services worldwide.

Quick overview

Nuremberg, Germany

Founded in 2015

1-10 Employees

Additional information

Working industry


Type of company


Ownership structure

Privately Held


1 Headquarter

Number of products

10 Products

Number of services

6 Services

Specialised areas

Manufacturing, Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing, Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing, Process control instruments, Small arms Electrical equipment and supplies, Nacelles, aircraft, Business management, Measuring and controlling devices, Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing, Venture Capital

Products & services of Diehl Ventures

Diehl Ventures offers a wide range of products and services

Product: IoT Network Implementation Service | Diehl Metering


IoT Network Implementation Service | Diehl Metering

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Product: Touch on Metal - Control | Diehl Controls


Touch on Metal - Control | Diehl Controls

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Product: Services | Diehl Metering


Services | Diehl Metering

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Product: Mioty®: Cutting-edge connectivity for the future of metering | Diehl Metering


Mioty®: Cutting-edge connectivity for the future of metering | Diehl Metering

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Product: IoT Network Planning Service | Diehl Metering


IoT Network Planning Service | Diehl Metering

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Product: IoT Network Planning Service | Diehl Metering


IoT Network Planning Service | Diehl Metering

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Product: 3Sense | Diehl Controls


3Sense | Diehl Controls

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Product: Automatic Meter Reading AMR/AMI | Diehl Metering


Automatic Meter Reading AMR/AMI | Diehl Metering

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Diehl Ventures

Get insights into the use cases of Diehl Ventures

UseCase: Izmir - Walk-by | Diehl Metering

Use case

Izmir - Walk-by | Diehl Metering

Izmir liegt in einer Region mit geothermischer Aktivität und ist nach Istanbul und Ankara die drittbevölkerungsreichste Stadt der Türkei und nach Athen in Griechenland, der zweitgrößte Ballungsraum an der Ägäis.

UseCase: ERFURT - Fixed Network | Diehl Metering

Use case

ERFURT - Fixed Network | Diehl Metering

With a network covering almost 600 km² in the city of Erfurt and surrounding areas, ThüWa ThüringenWasser took the decision to adopt Diehl Metering’s HYDRUS 2.0 ultrasonic water meters, with the LPWAN mioty® technology to digitalize their network.

Headquarter of Diehl Ventures

Diehl Ventures operates in 1 country around the world

City: Nuremberg

State: Bavaria

Country: Germany

Locations of Diehl Ventures

Get an overview of the locations of Diehl Ventures









Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Diehl Ventures

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Diehl Ventures

The company headquarter of Diehl Ventures is located in Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information Diehl Ventures has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Diehl Ventures was founded in 2015

The company Diehl Ventures has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Competitors of Diehl Ventures

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Diehl Ventures

Demmel Group's Logo

Demmel Group

Scheidegg, Germany

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The processes we develop aim to achieve cost-effective production, with extensive testing and quality assurance built in. We're the Demmel Group – the pioneering providers for all your high-tech product and service needs. Each of our companies delivers tailor-made solutions built around your specific requirements. We specialize in decorative parts and surfaces, as well as control systems. We also develop and manufacture electronics for all sorts of industrial applications, whether in small batches or at scale. Because we can manage the full development process, we detect production issues early on and identify cost savings potential. We also offer bespoke battery packs and electronic assemblies and support you from the initial concept through to production. A wide range of services around printed products and systems completes our offering.

Schlösser Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

Schlösser Armaturen GmbH & Co. KG

Olpe, Germany

1-10 Employees


All manufacturing steps, from engineering to foundry and electroplating to final assembly under one roof. Do you have questions about products from Schlösser Armaturen or do you need spare parts? Here you will find further information about our company and products. The ISH, the world’s leading trade fair for the sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technology sector, celebrated an impressive new start after a four-year break due. Founded in Solingen in 1928, Werner Schütz Wasserzähler GmbH & Co. The sale of products is carried out through Schlösser Armaturen. In the case of products for drinking water installations, DVGW certificates confirm the suitability of the materials used in accordance with the applicable drinking water ordinance and the fulfillment of all product properties in accordance with applicable product standards (DIN, DIN EN or DVGW worksheets). ARGE Neue Medien is an association of more than 100 brand manufacturers in the building technology industry.

Druckguss Westfalen Behringer GmbH & Co. KG's Logo

Druckguss Westfalen Behringer GmbH & Co. KG

Velbert, Germany

11-50 Employees


Our services benefit customers in a wide variety of industries – from building hardware to the lighting industry, automotive and electrical engineering to sanitation and mechanical engineering. We provide expert and results-oriented consulting from the outset or on request, at any stage in the process. We provide consulting whenever you require it, from the initial idea through to the finished component. Our services benefit customers in a wide variety of industries – from building hardware to the lighting industry, and from automotive and electrical engineering to sanitation and mechanical engineering. We are your versatile, strong, expert partners in zinc die casting and surface finishing. Druckguss Westfalen Behringer is your expert foundry of choice for zinc die cast products, specialising in both hardware products and finishing. Ever since we started out in 1973, our goal has always been full customer satisfaction. At our premises in Velbert, we operate a well-equipped, state-of-the-art machine park, including automated die casting cells featuring real-time shot control and serving a broad range of applications.

BURGER automation technology's Logo

BURGER automation technology

Nesselwang, Germany

11-50 Employees


….MIT FANTASIE UND ERFAHRUNG SCHAFFEN WIR RICHTUNGSWEISENDE FERTIGUNGSSYSTEME FÜR DIE BRANCHENBESTEN..WITH IMAGINATION AND EXPERIENCE WE CREATE GROUNDBREAKING PRODUCTION SYSTEMS FOR THE MARKET LEADERS…. ….Abgasleitungen - Abgaswärmetauscher - Airbagrohre - Bremsleitungen - Buchsen- Einspritzleitungen - Faltenbälge - Fittinge -Gurtstrafferrohre -Sitzhöhenverstellmodule -Kompressorleitungen - Kopfstützen - Kraftstoffeinfüllrohre - Kupplungsleitungen -Kühlwasserleitungen - Mäander - Öleinfüllrohre - Retainer - Rohrbögen -Schlossstrafferrohre - Sitzrahmen -Sitzverstellhebel- Stoßdämpferrohre -Wärmetauscherrohre - Wärmetauschergehäuse - Wischarme - Wischblätter..Airbag tubes – Brake and fuel lines – Bellows – Bushings – Clutch line – Compressor conducts – Coolant tubes – Exhaust gas heat exchanger – Exhaust gas pipes – Fittings – Fuel filler pipes – Heat exchanger tubes and cases – Heat rest tubes – Injection lines – Meanders – Oil filler pipes – Safety belt pretensioner tubes – Seat frames – Seat height adjustment tubes – Shockabsorber tubes – Wind screen wiper retainer – Wiper arms – Wiper blades…. ….Ein grenzenlos ausbaufähiges Bearbeitungszentrum für alle Rohrbauteile..A limitless expandable production system for all tubular components…. ….Die perfekte Lösung nahe an der Kühlschranklinie..The perfect solution close to the fridge production line…. ….Für alle Massivumformteile mit Jahresstückzahlen unter einer Million..For all massive forming partswith annual quantities under one million….



Camon, France

1-10 Employees


Die DMB ist ein familiengeführtes, unabhängiges und diversifiziertes mittelständisches Familienunternehmen. Navigations-, Brücken- und Missionssysteme für die Handels- und Marineschifffahrt. Ab 2008 wurde das Portfolio dann sukzessive erweitert und diversifiziert. DBW Gruppe Faser- und Metallprodukte für die Automobilindustrie. Anschütz GruppeNavigations-, Brücken- und Missionssysteme für die Handels- und Marineschifffahrt.

SIB Innovations- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH's Logo

SIB Innovations- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH

Dresden, Germany

1-10 Employees


Hochtechnologie-Sensormodule für Produkte zur Messung und Bewertung von Atemgas. Alpha Plan liefert kundenspezifische Produktionslinien für die Montage von membranbasierten Filtern.Das Portfolio reicht von einzelnen Prozesstechniksystemen bis hin zu kompletten Automatisierungslösungen für die Fertigung. Digital Signage "Made in Germany": Entwicklung und Produktion von Hard- und Software für digitale Medieninhalte bei Werbe- und Informationssystemen (bspw. Herstellung und Vertrieb maßgeschneiderter Hohlglas- und Glasprodukten sowie Ausrüstungen für die Hohlglasherstellung. Produktion und Vertrieb von Kälte-, Wärme-, Schall- und Brandschutzisolierungen im gesamten Bundesgebiet und europäischen Ausland. Produktion hochwertiger Komponenten für den Maschinen- und Landmaschinenbau sowie Fertigung von Hydraulikleitungen. Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb von Infotainmentsystemen mit Videoüberwachung, Fahrgastzählung und On-Board-Monitoring.