Downtown's Healthcare Logo

Downtown's Healthcare

Denver Chiropractor - Best Chiropractic Care In Denver CO - Accepts Medicare

Who is Downtown's Healthcare?

WE ARE REVOLUTIONIZING HEALTHCARE USING REGENERATIVE TREATMENTS TO OPTIMIZE THE WAY OUR PATIENTS LOOK, FEEL, AND FUNCTION.YOUR GATEWAY TO A HEALTHIER LIFE. At Regen Revolution, we provide you with the services you need, right when you need them. Our goal is to provide top-of-the-line services from our passionate staff of medical professionals who care about helping you feel your best. Our services include: Stem Cell Therapy | Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments | Chiropractic Care. This is done through trusted alternative solutions that help you manage pain, avoid surgery, and allow you to live the life you love. The spine is the primary area of treatment, but joints are also tended to during chiropractic care. Spine manipulation is a form of chiropractic therapy where the doctor will make adjustments to the spine and joints by applying a forced thrust. Currently, there is a multitude of regenerative treatments being deployed and under study throughout the world.

Denver, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1997

Products & services of Downtown's Healthcare

Product Consulting Your Doctor About Posture and Back Pain - Regen Revolution image


Consulting Your Doctor About Posture and Back Pain - Regen Revolution

According to a study, 80% of people experience back pain at least once in their lives. Although this condition can be caused by genetic or infectious problems, most of the triggers are related to our daily habits, which eventually lead to incorrect posture. Thus, the condition can have several main causes, including sitting in a […]

Product Benefits of Knee on Trac Technology - Regen Revolution image


Benefits of Knee on Trac Technology - Regen Revolution

The Knee on Trac technology is based on non-invasive therapy for knee pain, offering a healing alternative for people who live with chronic knee pain. This system is designed to isolates the knee and provide safe mechanical traction that is expected to decrease pain by decreasing the inflammation, increasing the range of motion and allowing […]

Product Solutions for Getting Rid of Chronic Back Pain - Regen Revolution image


Solutions for Getting Rid of Chronic Back Pain - Regen Revolution

Chronic back pain is among the most common musculoskeletal affections – according to the statistics, eight out of ten adults have had at least one episode of back pain in their life. The problem can be caused by many things, including injuries and hereditary issues, but the most common cause is sedentary lifestyle. Fortunately, there […]

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Nutritional Counseling
Corrective Exercises
Regenerative Medicine
Physical Therapy
Chiropractic Care
Physical Medicine
Health, Wellness & Fitness



Use Cases of Downtown's Healthcare


Case Manager / Patient Educator - Regen Revolution

Case Manager / Patient Educator | We look forward to meeting you | Primary Responsibilities | Qualifications | About This Position

Contact of Downtown's Healthcare

City: Denver

State: Colorado

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Downtown's Healthcare

The company Downtown's Healthcare is located in Denver, Colorado, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Downtown's Healthcare has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Downtown's Healthcare was founded in 1997

The company Downtown's Healthcare has it's main focus in the industries of Other

Competitors of Downtown's Healthcare

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