Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik Logo

Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik


Who is Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik?

In unserem Schwerpunkt akustische Messtechnik bieten wir Dienstleistungen im Bereich Raumakustik, Baukustik, NVH, Psychoakustik an. Wir führen Messungen durch und entwickeln kundenspezifische Lösungen

This company is:

Service provider

Dresden, Germany

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik

Product Sound level meters image


Sound level meters

You will find all our articles in our Webshop In this section we would to emphasize the following sound level meters Sound level meter Bedrock SM30 IEC61672 c...

Product sound level calibrators image


sound level calibrators

Sound level calibrators: overview A sound level calibrator generates a tone at a fixed frequency and a fixed level. Most widely we have calibrators with a lev...

Product Products image



Signal Generator for Windows enlarge This signal generator is a powerful tool in audio equipment analysis. Together with our analyzer WinaudioMLS and our ac...

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Real Estate

Use Cases of Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik


Auswahl an Messungen von Geräten mit unserem APX555

Das Funksystem 'Lekato' ist ein moderner Vertreter der drahtlos Systeme für dynamische Mikrofone zu einem günstigen Preis Technische Daten: Ein und Ausgan...

Contact of Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik

City: Dresden

State: Saxony

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik

The company Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik is located in Dresden, Saxony, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Dr-Jordan-Design Akustiktechnik has it's main focus in the industries of Real Estate