Dream Glass Group Logo

Dream Glass Group

Our Company - Dream Glass Group

Who is Dream Glass Group?

We are constantly investing in personnel, research, product development, and sophisticated equipment assuring that our products are top of the line, have optimal characteristics, and unmatched quality. We offer superior quality, customizable privacy glass & short lead times - at the right price. We create innovative multi-functional spaces for our clients through cutting-edge smart glass technology, sleek aesthetic designs, and dedicated customer service. Innovative product development brings cutting-edge privacy glass technology to our products. DreamGlass® is a product line of smart glass technology solutions. Contemporary glass provides access to natural light and open views, but requires inconvenient blinds, curtains, or roller shades to gain privacy. At the flick of a switch, the “inbuilt privacy system” included in DreamGlass® products allows for the effortless shift between privacy and transparency. Multiple industry sectors trust in Dream Glass Group to deliver the highest standards on privacy glass, and we are always expanding into new horizons.

This company is:


Paracuellos de Jarama, Spain

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2005

Products & services of Dream Glass Group

Product Commercial Switchable Glass - Dream Glass Group image


Commercial Switchable Glass - Dream Glass Group

Instant Switchable Privacy for Conference Rooms, Offices, Medical Facilities, Bathrooms and much more Business applications are endless. DreamGlass brings simplicity efficency to your office space, transforming private conference rooms into open, collaborative areas instantly. With DreamGlass partitions, you corporate environment can adapt as needed, under your totals control. Customize your glass to perfectly fit your

Product DreamGlass® Smart Blinds - Dream Glass Group image


DreamGlass® Smart Blinds - Dream Glass Group

MORE ABOUT DREAMGLASS® SMART BLINDS Smart Blinds provides the same features as DreamGlass® The Original line while offering even more versatility. Users control additional custom sized strips of their glass instantly, so your privacy level adapts to your situation. Composed of a PDLC film with predetermined lines hardly visible to the eye, Smart Blinds offers

Product Commercial Blackout Glass - Dream Glass Group image


Commercial Blackout Glass - Dream Glass Group

Instant Privacy for Conference Rooms, Offices, Medical Facilities, Bathrooms and much more Business applications are endless. DreamGlass brings simplicity efficency to your office space, transforming private conference rooms into open, collaborative areas instantly. With DreamGlass partitions, you corporate environment can adapt as needed, under your totals control. Customize your glass to perfectly fit your office

View all products


Privacy Glass
Smart Glass
Switchable Glass
Intelligent Glass
Glass, Ceramics & Concrete


Glass, Ceramics and Concrete

Use Cases of Dream Glass Group



DreamGlass® privacy glass has been put to work in a wide variety of industries and for a large range of purposes, but some of the most notable have actually occurred on live television. Intelligent glass is a product that can be made to customized specifications, which allows it to fit the needs of many different

Contact of Dream Glass Group

City: Paracuellos de Jarama

State: Community of Madrid

Country: Spain

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Dream Glass Group

The company Dream Glass Group is located in Paracuellos de Jarama, Community of Madrid, Spain. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Dream Glass Group has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Dream Glass Group was founded in 2005

The company Dream Glass Group has it's main focus in the industries of Glass, Ceramics and Concrete

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Dream Glass Group seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Dream Glass Group

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