Dry Coolers Inc Logo

Dry Coolers Inc

Home - Dry Coolers

Who is Dry Coolers Inc?

To achieve this, we are dedicated to the continual improvement of our services and our company. Since 1985, we have designed and manufactured a range of industrial fluid cooling systems, from small, standard point-of-service cooling solutions to complex, plant-wide systems. Dry Coolers provides right-sized, reliable, and energy-efficient cooling solutions for the specific needs of customers around the world. Customers receive personalized attention across the process, with design, engineering, and manufacturing all located at Dry Coolers’ Oxford, MI facility. From heavy-production metal heat-treating furnaces to agricultural facilities in arid environments and secure telecommunications data centers, Dry Coolers works with customers to find the best cooling solution for their process. Experience with hundreds of applications, engineering expertise, and a consistent focus on customer needs have made Dry Coolers a trusted provider of reliable industrial fluid cooling systems. Mechanical chillers are able to deliver the coldest fluids.

This company is:

Service provider

Oxford, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1985

Products & services of Dry Coolers Inc

Product Products - Dry Coolers image


Products - Dry Coolers

Dry Coolers systems are completely assembled, tested and skid mounted. Details are thoroughly engineered by our experts so that your system will be custom built to fit your space requirements and orientation, which means quick installation. Standard proven designs and detailed instructions provide rapid start-up without the expense of on-site engineering and fabrication. A main […]

Product Dry Coolers AquaVent FC-AVI Free Cooler image


Dry Coolers AquaVent FC-AVI Free Cooler

A low-maintenance, supplemental air-cooled heat exchange system that reduces the cost of running an existing process fluid chiller during winter months.

Product Dry Coolers Omni-Chill PAC Series Chiller image


Dry Coolers Omni-Chill PAC Series Chiller

A self-contained, portable chiller complete with fluid reservoir, pump, evaporator, compressor, condenser and all necessary controls.

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Air-cooled Heat Exchangers
Pump Stations
Evaporative Cooling Tower Systems
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering



Use Cases of Dry Coolers Inc


Case Studies Archive - Dry Coolers


Contact of Dry Coolers Inc

City: Oxford

State: Mississippi

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Dry Coolers Inc

The company Dry Coolers Inc is located in Oxford, Mississippi, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Dry Coolers Inc has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Dry Coolers Inc was founded in 1985

The company Dry Coolers Inc has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Dry Coolers Inc seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Dry Coolers Inc

Drake Refrigeration Inc. Logo

Drake Refrigeration Inc.

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OptiCool Technologies

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Coolers & Condensers Logo

Coolers & Condensers

United Kingdom

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Kim Kool Inc.

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Airtech Cooling Process Pvt. Ltd - India Logo

Airtech Cooling Process Pvt. Ltd - India


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Dimplex Thermal Solutions

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