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Duke Empirical Logo

Duke Empirical

DUKE Empirical Inc. is a leader in medical device tubing and catheter components. Our team’s focus on Speed, Quality, and Innovation has set a new standard for superior medical device outsourcing. DUKE Empirical's corporate headquarters is located in Santa Cruz, CA. This location is a custom designed 28,000 square foot state-of-the-art medical device design and manufacturing facility. “DUKE Empirical is to deliver valuable customer solutions to the medical device industry through the design, development and manufacture of innovative medical products in the shortest time possible.”.

Quick overview

United States

Founded in 2000

101-250 Employees


Additional information

Working industry


Type of company

Manufacturer, Service provider

Ownership structure

Privately Held


2 Locations

Number of products

7 Products

Specialised areas

Health Care, Manufacturing, Medical Device

Products & services of Duke Empirical

Duke Empirical offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Custom In-House Cather-Based Medical Device Technologies | Duke Empirical


Custom In-House Cather-Based Medical Device Technologies | Duke Empirical

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Product: Coil Reinforced Medical Tubing | Reinforced Coiled Tubing | Duke Empirical


Coil Reinforced Medical Tubing | Reinforced Coiled Tubing | Duke Empirical

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Product: OEM Private Label Catheters & Medical Tubing Products | Duke Empirical


OEM Private Label Catheters & Medical Tubing Products | Duke Empirical

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Product: VERGO Steerable Access Sheaths | Custom Medical Devices | Duke Empirical


VERGO Steerable Access Sheaths | Custom Medical Devices | Duke Empirical

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Product: Custom Medical Device Manufacturing & Assembly Services | Duke Empirical


Custom Medical Device Manufacturing & Assembly Services | Duke Empirical

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Product: New Medical Device Designs | Product Development Services | Duke Empirical


New Medical Device Designs | Product Development Services | Duke Empirical

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Product: Reinforced Braided Catheter & Medical Device Tubing | Duke Empirical


Reinforced Braided Catheter & Medical Device Tubing | Duke Empirical

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself


United States

Overall risk estimation:


ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of Duke Empirical

Get insights into the use cases of Duke Empirical

UseCase: Custom Catheters & Medical Tubing Applications | Duke Empirical

Use case

Custom Catheters & Medical Tubing Applications | Duke Empirical

Custom Catheter Applications | Custom Catheter Application Options | Custom Catheter Application Development & Manufacturing Processes | In-House Medical Device Technologies for Your Custom Catheter Application Needs | Discover DUKE's Latest Medical Component Product | Catheter Design | Medical Tubing Extrusions | Catheter Wire Forming | Secondary Operations | Testing & Fulfillment

Headquarter of Duke Empirical

Duke Empirical operates in 1 country around the world

City: -

State: California

Country: United States

Locations of Duke Empirical

Get an overview of the locations of Duke Empirical






United States



United States Office

United States


Morgan Hill

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Duke Empirical

Some frequent questions that have been asked about Duke Empirical

The company headquarter of Duke Empirical is located in California, United States. Duke Empirical has subsidiaries in United States

As of the latest available information Duke Empirical has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Duke Empirical was founded in 2000

The company Duke Empirical has it's main focus in the industries of Medical

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Duke Empirical seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Duke Empirical

Check out some interesting alternative companies to Duke Empirical

Hydrostructures PA's Logo

Hydrostructures PA

Pittsboro, United States

51-100 Employees


In fact, Dukes still treats many of the original lines and they are still considered assets by their owners. Our service portfolio has expanded to cater to the evolving needs of Municipalities, Agencies, Utility Service Providers, Engineers and Contractors. The appearance of our clothes, equipment, vehicles, and workspace is a reflection upon our company and the quality of our work. Everything we do is built on trust and trust is built on relationships. With every experience, do the little things, as well as the big things, that surprise people. If a commitment can’t be fulfilled, notify others early and agree on a new deliverable to be honored. With over 75 years of experience, Duke’s is delivering innovative services addressing the unique needs of municipalities, agencies, engineering firms, contractors, and utility service providers. Our team of seasoned professionals provides sustainable and cost-effective solutions for: Wastewater, Stormwater, Water, Gas, Electric and Telecom Utilities.

Duke Manufacturing's Logo

Duke Manufacturing

St. Louis, United States

501-1000 Employees


With nearly 100 years experience and a global footprint, we are a leader in the food service industry. Our team of product and operations specialists helps clients large and small reduce operating costs, enhance food quality, improve guest experience and revenue, resulting in improved profit through integrated solutions that impact key aspects of your foodservice operations. Get the latest news, events, and press releases from Duke Manufacturing. Duke Manufacturing is a global food service equipment pioneer that’s been delivering profitable and innovative solutions for the food industry for almost 100 years. In pursuit of the Your Solutions Partner promise, we are committed to ongoing innovation and continuous improvement.

Duke Makes's Logo

Duke Makes

Leeds, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Duke Makes is a purpose-built digital fabrication and rapid prototyping agency in Leeds, operating across the UK. A place to tinker dreams, manufacture realities and imagine the future for your projects, client ideas and team away days. Since 2011 Duke Makes has been a core service offered by our founding company, Duke Studios.

Duke Industrial Group LLC's Logo

Duke Industrial Group LLC

DeQuincy, United States

51-100 Employees


Our Service Areas Include: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois,. Welcome to Duke Manufacturing, Fort Smith’s most professional custom fabrication company. We take pride in the quality work environment we provide and think it makes all the difference in our work. Duke Manufacturing is home to a HYTEK Fiber Laser machine. We offer custom pieces for pipe fittings, structural fabrications, industrial constructions, or any other fabrication works. Contact Duke Manufacturing today to talk about your project! Duke Manufacturing is experienced in civil/structural installation and the fabrication/installation of mechanical systems, piping systems, structural systems, modular fabrication, etc.

Dukal LLC's Logo

Dukal LLC

Town of Islip, United States

51-100 Employees


Dukal is dedicated to bringing great healthcare to the home. We are constantly developing new products for the well-being of family and community health. We are committed to a world where all Dukal team members feel a sense of pride in themselves and their impact on society. Dukal supports its purpose by partnering with healthcare professionals to develop and launch innovative solutions to unmet clinical needs. Growing Dukal through the acquisition of viable companies, innovative new products and talented staff has given the firm multiple supply chain partners and allowed them to become a respected industry leader. Dukal acquires Tech-Med, adding over 600 exam room supplies and equipment products. We are constantly developing new products for the well being of family and community health. Our vast product portfolio provides quality solutions across the healthcare continuum for wherever care is given.

Drummond Scientific's Logo

Drummond Scientific

Marple Township, United States

101-250 Employees


At Drummond, we manufacture precision life science diagnostic devices for the collection, transfer, and delivery of liquid biological samples. Our products focus on precision - an integral part of success in life science laboratory research. Our services help solve unique challenges with custom supply capillary glass and plastic tubing, injection molded, plastic components, and electronic controls. Our innovative automated solutions and venture manufacturing services help our customers address their needs for scalable, high-volume capillary consumables and point-of-care diagnostic devices. Drummond Scientific Company, located outside of Philadelphia, is a vertically integrated company that leverages more than 70 years of experience to maintain its position as an elite developer of custom, precision, microvolume liquid transfer devices. These products are used in laboratories across the globe and are recognized for durability and reliability. As the first pump action pipette controller, its innovative design and precision forever changed pipetting in the laboratory. Drummond Scientific is synonymous with quality and therefore, we are proud to be a respected player in the industry.