As a global electronics service provider, we have been investing in innovative manufacturing technologies, as well as in basic research and the development of state-of-the-art microelectronics, for many years. We use our know-how to conceptualise things in a new and different way. By doing so, we offer our customers the decisive technology push, in order to be a great way ahead of the innovation curve. From pioneering electronics production, to sensor and connectivity solutions, to ground-breaking quantum technology. We don't follow trends, we create them.
Halver, Germany
Founded in 1988
51-100 Employees
Working industry
Research, Business Services, Computer Hardware, Electronics and Electrical engineering, Manufacturing, Automation
Type of company
1 Headquarter
Number of products
5 Products
Specialised areas
force sensor, smell sensor, distance detection sensors, pressure sensor, level detection sensor, Electronics manufacturing services (EMS), Microelectronics, Embedded systems, Prototyping, Testing
duotec GmbH offers a wide range of products and services
SI-DMS duotec-Kraft-Sensor
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duo s-Press
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duotec Sensor Gateway
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E-NOSE - Smell Sensor
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of duotec GmbH
Use case
Sensor Gateway
industrie, Chemie, Automation, robotic
Das duotec Gateway kann unter anderem zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Sensordaten oder zur Übernahme der Maschinensteuerung eingesetzt werden. Es kann Peripherie und Aktoren steuern, Sensoren abfragen, überwachen und die Kommunikation beeinflussen. Anwendungen, die damit realisiert werden, sind * Fernsteuerung von IOT-Geruchssensoren. * Steuerung von Maschinen in der Textilindustrie oder anderen Branchen. * Steuerung von automatischen Werkzeugmaschinen.
Use case
NON ivasive pressure mesurement in container
industrie, chemi, gas, tank
Bei der nichtinvasiven Druckmessung in Tanks und Behältern wird die Ausdehnung der Tankwand durch den Innendruck oder den Schwerkraftdruck auf die Behälterwand übertragen und führt zu einer mechanischen Ausdehnung. Selbst wenn diese Ausdehnung minimal ist, ist der Sensor empfindlich genug, um sie zu erkennen und sie mit dem Innendruck oder dem Füllstand in Beziehung zu setzen. Damit ist es möglich, den Innendruck oder Füllstand in Behältern zu messen, ohne diese zu durchdringen.
duotec GmbH operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of duotec GmbH
North Rhine-Westphalia
Some frequent questions that have been asked about duotec GmbH
Where is duotec GmbH located?
The company headquarter of duotec GmbH is located in Halver, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does duotec GmbH approximately have?
As of the latest available information duotec GmbH has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was duotec GmbH founded?
duotec GmbH was founded in 1988
In which industries does duotec GmbH mainly work?
The company duotec GmbH has it's main focus in the industries of Research, Business Services, Computer Hardware, Electronics and Electrical engineering, Manufacturing, Automation
What is the current company status of duotec GmbH?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company duotec GmbH seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to duotec GmbH
Zollner Elektronik AG
Zandt, Germany
251-500 Employees
We are constantly evolving, subject to continual change and continuously breaking new ground. As a team, we are charting a course to make the group stronger today and in the future. We provide both individual services and complete all-round service along the product life cycle in an efficient manner with the highest level of expertise – from the idea to Development and Consulting to Production and Supply Chain Management and all the way through to After-Sales Service. As such, we provide targeted support exactly where our expertise are needed. We are establishing long-term, fair and trusting partnerships to pursue common goals and reshape the future. We are a corporation that is 100% family owned. We are not only an effective EMS and mechatronics partner, but also place utmost importance on quality and safety in both manufacturing and data protection. In this way, we are able to continuously optimize our processes while ensuring the satisfaction of our customers and employees.
Brand-Erbisdorf, Germany
11-50 Employees
Whether for final electronics production or support for development offices or research institutions – we offer individually tailored services and a full service package for every customer and partner. On behalf of our customers, we develop anything from individual products to market-ready devices. This covers the development of electronics, the design and the production of mechanical components. On request we can also arrange series production and supply the complete module or device to the customer. In terms of research projects, we work closely with universities and manufacturing companies. This enables us to link fundamental research with practical applications into a marketable product. Renowned international manufacturers in many industries, particularly from the fields of automotive, industry, telecommunication and consumer electronics, appreciate us as a reliable partner. You can rely at all times on consistently high quality, competence and timely deliveries.
Zollner Electronics
Zandt, Germany
10001+ Employees
Unsere umfassende Kompetenz als EMS-Dienstleister vereint mit Ihren innovativen Ideen lässt visionäre Technologien entstehen. Mit mehr als 55 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Electronics Manufacturing Services sowie durch unser internationales Kompetenz-Netzwerk mit 24 Standorten weltweit können wir branchenübergreifende Systemlösungen und technologische Innovationen schnell, flexibel, zuverlässig und mit einem Höchstmaß an persönlicher Betreuung entwickeln. Als Europas EMS-Marktführer sind wir der beste Partner, um Lösungen in die Realität umzusetzen, und zählen zu den Top 15 der EMS-Dienstleister weltweit. Effizient und mit höchster Expertise liefern wir sowohl Einzelleistungen als auch den kompletten Rundum-Service entlang des Produktlebenszyklus – von der Idee, Entwicklung und Beratung über Produktion und Supply-Chain-Management bis zum After-Sales-Service. Als Dienstleistungspartner stehen wir permanent zur Seite, um Potenziale zu erkennen und neue Chancen zu ergreifen.
CTA Electronics
Milan, Italy
11-50 Employees
We develop with state of the art technology stack and deep industry experience. We've been passionate about electronics since the very early days of it. We felt the desire to create, we felt the desire to produce electronics based products that we envisioned used by people to enhance machines, to create processes, to improve results. Our core is strong and our products provide tangible values to Customer all over the world. Manufacturing capabilities and expertise, with direct supply chain management. A complete manufacturing service that's reliable and timely. We design electronics with a focus on efficiency and manufacturability of the resulting product. From the assembly of electronic boards to electromechanical assemblies of various kinds, we operate as a Production Partner of esteemed companies active in various industries and we offer 360 ° support.
Integrated Mechanization Solutions B.V.
Almelo, Netherlands
51-100 Employees
We are a forward-thinking partner in the high-end precision-production industry, providing innovative production solutions—from low to high volumes, from prototyping to mass production. Whether you are a supplier of components, subsystems, or even complete assemblies, we get involved early in your product life cycle to create the right production system for you—flexible to meet your current needs and scalable to help you grow, from lab to fab. We are proud to offer you a portfolio of production equipment for Precision Assembly, Glass Molding, and Integrated Photonics. And our Customized Solutions provide tailored products to meet your exacting needs—allowing you to take steps ahead. We are pioneers in advanced technology and love to create solutions for complex precision alignments for the world’s leading brands—including automotive sensor manufacturers, mobile phone component suppliers, medical device manufacturers, and component suppliers in photonics and optics.
LT-Net Europe GmbH
Bad Camberg, Germany
1-10 Employees
Wir sind ein führendes Unternehmen in der Elektronikbranche und bieten Ihnen umfassende Kompetenz und erstklassigen Support in den Bereichen der aktiven, passiven und elektromechanischen Bauelemente. Von der Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen bis hin zur Bereitstellung hochwertiger Produkte bieten wir Ihnen eine umfassende Palette an Dienstleistungen. Wir bieten Ihnen spannende Projekte, attraktive Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten und ein inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld.