Eberbach Labtools Logo

Eberbach Labtools

Eberbach Corporation | Eberbach

Who is Eberbach Labtools?

Our products can be purchased directly from Eberbach and are sold through authorized distributors throughout the world. Eberbach has over 175 years of experience in the scientific community. Thirty six years later Eberbach began manufacturing its own line of laboratory equipment beginning the company history of manufacturing sample and material preparation equipment for the scientific community. Eberbach was the first company to join the Laboratory Products Association in 1918. Today, Eberbach Corporation is an engineering and manufacturing company located in Belleville, Michigan. Eberbach Corporation designs, builds and markets equipment for sample preparation, products such as Shakers, Mixers, Blenders, Stirrers and more. Eberbach products are used in a broad range of research and commercial applications, spanning biochemical, petrochemical, environmental, food, beverage and pharmaceuticals. Eberbach is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Engineering and Manufacturing company.

This company is:

Service provider

Belleville, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1951

Products & services of Eberbach Labtools

Product Front & Back Mounting Bracket image


Front & Back Mounting Bracket

Part #EP6155.226 - Front & Back Mounting Bracket

Product Case Assembly image


Case Assembly

Part #ELP680.508A - Case Assembly

Product Ethernet Cable 5ft image


Ethernet Cable 5ft

Part #6790.5 - Shielded Ethernet Cable, 5ft

View all products


Laboratory Equipment
Custom Engineering
Automation Design



Use Cases of Eberbach Labtools


General Lab Applications - Food, Beverage and Ag Industry Applications - Eberbach Corporation

For Food, Beverage and Ag industry applications. General Lab Applications - For Food, Beverage and Ag Industry Applications - Eberbach Corporation

Contact of Eberbach Labtools

City: Belleville

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Eberbach Labtools

The company Eberbach Labtools is located in Belleville, Michigan, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Eberbach Labtools has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Eberbach Labtools was founded in 1951

The company Eberbach Labtools has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing