ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH Logo

ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Startseite | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Who is ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH?

Angeboten werden technische Kunststoffe in verschiedenen Qualitäten, die komplette Palette der Glasfaserprodukte, Füllstoffe wie Talkum und Kreide, Farb-, Schwarz-, Weiß- und Additivmasterbatches sowie Folien zum Tiefziehen. Die JEC World ist eine der weltweit führenden Fachmessen der Verbundwerkstoffindustrie. Mai 2024 Die KUTENO ist die effiziente Zuliefermesse für die gesamte Prozesskette der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie.

This company is:

Service provider

Berlin, Germany

11-50 Employees


Products & services of ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Product Fillers | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH image


Fillers | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Filling materials are used to optimize plastics’ properties. High important for thermoplastics are mineral fillers like calcium carbonate and talc.

Product Additives & Masterbatches | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH image


Additives & Masterbatches | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

ECTA offers wide range of hq Additives and Masterbatches, used as processing aids or as additives for improvement product properties.

Product Fiberglass | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH image


Fiberglass | ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Fiberglass has a wide range of application in aerospace industry, boat building, automotive, white goods, electrical, sport and leisure industry.

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International Trade & Development


Retail Trade

Contact of ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

City: Berlin

State: -

Country: Germany

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH

The company ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH is located in Berlin, Germany. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

The company ECTA Handelsgesellschaft mbH has it's main focus in the industries of Retail Trade