Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP Logo

Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

Who is Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP?

We are a global logistics solution provider that aims to revolutionize logistics for facilitating easy International trade. We are committed towards providing highest quality of services by training our people and expanding our infrastructure and technology. We are one of the fastest growing International Freight Forwarding Companies, incorporated by young professionals, who have got years of hands on experience in the Industry. We are spread across the globe with full fledged offices in all major cities in Indian subcontinent and with solid infrastructure of Global Agency Network. We offer you competitive and efficient solutions for moving your cargo across borders. No matter How big or small your shipment is, we value your business and provide you with the best customer experience. Although our prime focus is to fulfil our client’s objective of delivering the cargo timely but safety of all the concerned parties involved is always our priority.”.

This company is:

Service provider


51-100 Employees

Founding year: 2021

Products & services of Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

Product Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Air Freight image


Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Air Freight

Excellent Services with Minimal Cost We deliver comprehensive airfreight solutions tailored according to the requirements of each client. We connect all the major airports across the world in order to facilitate just in time door to door deliveries and promote international trade.

Product Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Ocean Freight image


Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Ocean Freight

Eklavya With More Than 10,000 TEU'S And FEU'S Every Year At Ekalvya, with more than 20 years of local experience with global approach, we connect more than 5000 port pairs in the world. With growing global trade, Our global ocean freight forwarding division clubs Local insights and expertise with

Product Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Custom House Brokerage image


Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP - Custom House Brokerage

Eklavya moves more than 50,000 Shipments across borders annually with ease.

View all products


Logistics & Supply Chain



Contact of Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

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Country: India

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

The company Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP is located in India. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP was founded in 2021

The company Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP has it's main focus in the industries of Transportation

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of Eklavya Seair Logistics LLP

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