Electrex Logo


Who is Electrex?

Our goal is to supply customers with components or entire working environments that rival our own. We provide our customers with a 24-hour emergency service for all maintenance requirements. We are not afraid to expand or change our services to meet those needs and provide innovative, reliable, and cost-efficient services to a broad spectrum of industries. Our services include Cleaning and Tightening, Load Studies, Transformer Inspections, and Infrared Thermography. Requests from customers for safer and more reliable press controls offered Electrex the opportunity for even more growth. Rexcon’s dedication to safer and more reliable products encompassed: PLC press controls, tonnage monitors, brake monitors, die protection, downtime monitoring, and an ergonomic Palm Button, which the company designed, manufactures, and installs. As Rexcon grew nationally, so did products, services, innovative systems, and capabilities. Electrex created a mechanical division transforming us into a turnkey provider for many industrial services.

This company is:

Service provider

Walkerville, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1957

Products & services of Electrex

Product Preventative Maintenance Services Owosso, MI, Infrared Inspection, Electrical, Machine, Building, Transformer, HVAC | Electrex Industrial image


Preventative Maintenance Services Owosso, MI, Infrared Inspection, Electrical, Machine, Building, Transformer, HVAC | Electrex Industrial

Preventative Maintenance Service Infrared Inspection Services - Owosso, MIYour Partner in Electrical Service and Maintenance for 60 Years | Quick Contact | The Risk | The Problematic Solution | The True Solution | The Approach | Infrared Inspection Services – Equipment, Buildings, HVAC, and More | Infrared Thermographic Inspection Described | Electrex’s Infrared Thermographic Inspection Process | Infrared Scanning | Analyze | Recommend | Correct and Confirm | The Importance of Electrical Equipment Inspection | Electrex for Infrared Inspection | Our Comprehensive Preventative Maintenance Service Program offers the following services: | The Results

Product Preventative Maintenance Services Warren, MI, Infrared Inspection, Electrical, Machine, Building, Transformer, HVAC | Electrex Industrial image


Preventative Maintenance Services Warren, MI, Infrared Inspection, Electrical, Machine, Building, Transformer, HVAC | Electrex Industrial

Preventative Maintenance Service Infrared Inspection Services - Warren, MIYour Partner in Electrical Service and Maintenance for 60 Years | Quick Contact | The Risk | The Problematic Solution | The True Solution | The Approach | Infrared Inspection Services – Equipment, Buildings, HVAC, and More | Infrared Thermographic Inspection Described | Electrex’s Infrared Thermographic Inspection Process | Infrared Scanning | Analyze | Recommend | Correct and Confirm | The Importance of Electrical Equipment Inspection | Electrex for Infrared Inspection | Our Comprehensive Preventative Maintenance Service Program offers the following services: | The Results

Product Infrared Thermographic Inspection Service Michigan, Electrical Equipment | Electrex Industrial image


Infrared Thermographic Inspection Service Michigan, Electrical Equipment | Electrex Industrial

Infrared Thermographic Inspection Your Partner in Electrical Service | Quick Contact | Infrared Thermographic Inspection | Infrared Thermographic Inspection is ideal for: | Electrex’s Infrared Thermographic Inspection Service | Infrared Scanning | Analyze | Sample Infrared Thermographic Inspection Report | Recommend | Correct and Confirm | The Importance of Electrical Equipment Inspection | Electrex for Infrared Inspection | Electrex for Infrared Inspection and Beyond

View all products


Industrial Automation



Contact of Electrex

City: Walkerville

State: Michigan

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Electrex

The company Electrex is located in Walkerville, Michigan, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Electrex has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Electrex was founded in 1957

The company Electrex has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Competitors of Electrex

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