Electro-Therm SAS Logo

Electro-Therm SAS

Certifications | Electro-Therm

Who is Electro-Therm SAS?

Bron, France

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1972

Products & services of Electro-Therm SAS

Product Flat PVC and Polyimide coils heaters | Electro-Therm image


Flat PVC and Polyimide coils heaters | Electro-Therm

Flat PVC and Polyimide coils heaters | Complementary products | Connectors, cables and sleeves | Sensors and Regulation | Request a quote

Product Screw-in immersion heaters | Electro-Therm image


Screw-in immersion heaters | Electro-Therm

Screw-in immersion heaters | Complementary products | ATEX heating elements | Connectors, cables and sleeves | Sensors and Regulation | Request a quote

Product Mobile and wall-mounted air heaters | Electro-Therm image


Mobile and wall-mounted air heaters | Electro-Therm

Mobile and wall-mounted air heaters | Complementary products | Connectors, cables and sleeves | Tubular and finned heaters | Request a quote

View all products


Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing



Use Cases of Electro-Therm SAS


Can the same heating elements be used for all kinds of applications? | Electro-Therm

Can the same heating elements be used for all kinds of applications? | Request a quote

Contact of Electro-Therm SAS

City: Bron

State: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Country: France

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Electro-Therm SAS

The company Electro-Therm SAS is located in Bron, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Electro-Therm SAS has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Electro-Therm SAS was founded in 1972

The company Electro-Therm SAS has it's main focus in the industries of Manufacturing