Elemech Logo


Who is Elemech?

Our mission is to be the preferred choice to source controls and automation services by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation, and an exceptional customer experience. We develop software products that seemlessly integrate with your control systems, and provide additional control, automation, and data acquisition services. We provide not only high quality products, but also high quality service. OEMs, consulting engineers, and end users rely on us for products and services that bridge the gap between manufacturers’ standard control hardware designs and non-standard project expectations. EleMech was founded in 1987 by Robert Gorder. OEMs save time and money by utilizing our services to bid, design, and support unique control requirements. Consulting Engineers can count on us to adhere to specification guidelines and deliver a quality product for their clients. Our team of qualified and experienced engineers and technicians are committed to your service and support.

This company is:

Service provider

Aurora, United States

101-250 Employees

Founding year: 1987

Products & services of Elemech

Product EleMech - Products image


EleMech - Products

Products | Manage Transported Water & Waste | Automated Billing for Haulers | Easy PLC Data Collection | What you need to know, exactly when you need to know it

Product EleMech - Services image


EleMech - Services

Services | Design | Engineering | Field Services | Integration | Manufacturing | Software | Our expert engineers and technicians will review your existing control system, convert it to new technology, provide cost saving options, and add more functionality.Contact Us | Assistance in preparing budget pricing, documentation for approval submittals, and operation manuals. This includes drawings, material lists, and component details.Contact Us | Our partners have our guaranteed support in the field during start-up and training, and we'll travel anywhere when troubleshooting without charging exuberant rates.Contact Us | Transform drawing board images into installed reliable control systems. We're always researching and studying new components so we can deliver affordable custom systems.Contact Us | Our modern facility is an ideal location to consider when outsourcing control assemblies. We offer competitive and reliable layout, wiring, and testing services.Contact Us | We build custom software that can look and function as you specify. We offer software specification prep, software creation, and the supply of any needed hardware.Contact Us

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Product Design


Electronics and Electrical engineering

Contact of Elemech

City: Aurora

State: Illinois

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Elemech

The company Elemech is located in Aurora, Illinois, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Elemech has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

Elemech was founded in 1987

The company Elemech has it's main focus in the industries of Electronics and Electrical engineering

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company Elemech seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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