emlen Logo


Actively managed by company

emlen is the first buyer enablement platform to facilitate the sharing of sales content and collaboration between seller and buyer. With the unique digital sales room software, hundreds of b2b sales teams improve their sales velocity. It's as easy as 1,2,3 - have your sales content at your fingertips, create a digital sales room in seconds and analyze in real-time buying intent metrics.

Quick overview

Berlin, Germany

Founded in 2020

11-50 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Marketing Services, IT, Software and Services

Type of company

Service provider


1 Headquarter

Specialised areas

sales, sales enablement, buyer enablement, buyer experience, b2bsales, digital sales room, sales technology

Headquarter of emlen

emlen operates in 1 country around the world

City: Berlin

State: -

Country: Germany

Locations of emlen

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about emlen

Some frequent questions that have been asked about emlen

The company headquarter of emlen is located in Berlin, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information emlen has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

emlen was founded in 2020

The company emlen has it's main focus in the industries of Marketing Services, IT, Software and Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company emlen seems to be a Startup at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of emlen

Check out some interesting alternative companies to emlen

envivo.io's Logo


Markt Schwaben, Germany

11-50 Employees


Available on the envivo.io Customer Engagement Platform, your entire sales process can be easily personalized, from the first shared asset to the last signed contract. Be available yourself or integrate automated chatbots outside your service hours. Save all your content in envivo.io using the global media library – videos, case studies, presentations, guides, or infographics. We also offer you detailed notifications whenever your potential customer opens, views, comments upon, forwards, or even signs your sending material. Personalization of offers, messages, or videos in your sales collateral also helps you build a relationship with your prospects.

Eccentric Engine's Logo

Eccentric Engine

Mumbai, India

51-100 Employees


Provide your buyer with the right clarity and confidence they deserve, to make their purchase decisions. Replace forms with conversations & provide a 5X boost to your lead-to-booking conversion rate. Get an incredible scale in content generation and show your products anywhere, anytime at a great efficiency. Upgrade all your customer facing interfaces to provide that 'wow' experience you have been aspiring for.

Connected Information Systems's Logo

Connected Information Systems

Roseville, United States

1-10 Employees


Information when and where you need it paired. Imagine text, email, ppt, LinkedIn, lead generation and your CRM had a baby? It begins with a unique method to share your story live on another persons device completely focused on the subject, conversation and interest of the individual you're speaking with. This engagement is just beginning as the prospect now has "your story" to share correctly and you have insight as to their interest, focus, influence and level of impact your connection made. Your brand and marketing team now knows what message, what product, what team is making impact, and they know in real time.

9Lenses's Logo


Vienna, United States

11-50 Employees


Adding value to your buyers in the marketing & sales process is critical for building trust, creating preference for your solutions, and winning new customers. 9Lenses is an interactive assessment platform that allows marketing & sales teams to add more value to their buyers by providing personalized insights & recommendations about their business. This helps buyers better understand their challenges & opportunities and allows sales teams to tailor conversations focused on the needs the buyer. This value creates trust, increases conversion rates, win rates, and accelerates the sales cycle.

Omedym's Logo


Liberty, United States

1-10 Employees


Omedym is the preferred choice by modern Sales Leaders and end users for the following reasons. Omedym uses the content you’ve already created – demos, product videos, tutorials, customer testimonials, sales presentations, collateral, whitepapers, etc. Omedym indexes every word of your content, making it searchable. Omedym collects every action a buyer takes and analyzes the data to recommend next actions and show which opportunities are most likely to close. Omedym allows clients to review information in one location. Omedym solves that as they can view the content at their leisure, even after hours if they choose.".

Dealer Inside's Logo

Dealer Inside

Montreal, Canada

11-50 Employees


Putting customers back in the driver’s seat!Empower your sales team & Delight your clients. With the internet usage spreading out wide like an epidemic, and digital marketing making its way into every industry, and COVID 19 restrictions, the timing is perfect to modify your dealership sales experience with Dealer Inside. Instead of calling and sending never-ending emails in hopes of getting a response, your customer will be reaching out to you once they have selected a vehicle they want to view. The timing could not be better to incorporate Dear Inside into your sales leads. The upsurge in internet usage has revolutionized all walks of life, particularly marketing.

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