Epic Resins Logo

Epic Resins

Epoxy Resin Manufacturer | Electronics Potting Compounds | Custom Epoxy Formulator | Polyurethane Adhesives | LED Encapsulants | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds

Who is Epic Resins?

We are committed to being an industry leader in the environmentally friendly manufacturing of epoxy resins and polyurethanes. Epic Resins is a leader in the production of epoxy and polyurethane resin manufacturing, specializing in potting compounds adhesives, edge molding and custom bonding and encapsulation compounds. As a leading international producer of quality resins, we stay on the cutting edge of production technology, with unparalleled customer service.With our top of the line resin production facility and experienced technicians, Epic Resins offers short lead times, fast turnarounds, and a consistent and affordable product. Since our founding in 1958, Epic Resins has earned an international reputation as a leading formulator, manufacturer and service-oriented supplier of epoxy resin for electronics and polyurethane structural adhesives, potting compounds, LED encapsulants and coatings. We focus on building long-term partnerships to provide proactive product development, supply consistency and maximum value to our customers. Epic Resins manufactures potting epoxies, moisture cure adhesives, polyurethane potting compounds and every kind of epoxy resin imaginable for OEM manufacturers in every industry, from paint brushes to automobiles. Whatever your manufacturing application, Epic Resins is your best choice for custom epoxy formulations and all epoxy resin supplies. Epic Resins uses continuous epoxy resin manufacturing process improvement and capital investment programs to support long-term customer requirements.

This company is:

Service provider

Palmyra, United States

11-50 Employees

Founding year: 1958

Products & services of Epic Resins

Product State of the Art Production Facilities | Custom Epoxy Resin Manufacturer | Custom Polyurethane Production | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds image


State of the Art Production Facilities | Custom Epoxy Resin Manufacturer | Custom Polyurethane Production | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds

State of the Art Resin Production Facility | Benefits of Getting Adhesives and Potting Compounds from Epic Resins | State of the Art Production Facility | Generators Ensure Low Production Costs

Product Epic Resins State of the Art Development Facilities | Custom Chemical Engineered Epoxy and Resin Compounds | Electrical Component Potting Adhesives | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds image


Epic Resins State of the Art Development Facilities | Custom Chemical Engineered Epoxy and Resin Compounds | Electrical Component Potting Adhesives | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds

State of the Art Development Lab | Benefits of Getting Adhesives and Potting Compounds from Epic Resins | State of the Art Development Facilities | Epic Resins Formulates to Your Specifications

View all products


Resin Formulation



Use Cases of Epic Resins


Optically Clear Polymer T8 LED Tube | LED Encapsulation Light Strips | Epoxy Resin Puck Lights | Polyurethane LED Versa Bar | Epic Resins - Manufacturer of Epoxy Resins and Polyurethane Compounds

LED Lights Improved by Polyurethane Compounds | Epic Resins Adds Value to Products in Many Industries | Clear Epoxy Resin for Encapsulation and Potting of LED Light Products | Epic Formulations & Applications | 2 Reasons Energy Efficient Tube Lighting Needs Epoxy Adhesives | Optically Clear Polymers Crafted Specifically for LED | Epoxy & Polyurethane Formulations | Epoxy & Polyurethane Applications

Contact of Epic Resins

City: Palmyra

State: Wisconsin

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Epic Resins

The company Epic Resins is located in Palmyra, Wisconsin, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Epic Resins has around 11-50 employees worldwide.

Epic Resins was founded in 1958

The company Epic Resins has it's main focus in the industries of Chemicals

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