If you have the strategy and vision in place, we can provide you with highly skilled IT resources such as engineers, analysts, project managers, architects, visualization experts and more. Learn how we helped deliver a timely and on budget solution. A manufacturing company could no longer manage their extensive sales team by using Excel alone. See how we built them a robust information program supported by quality information and streamlined pipelines. Learn how we automated feeds from disparate systems to provide them with a single view of their customer and products.
San Antonio, United States
Founded in 2008
51-100 Employees
Working industry
IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Manufacturer, Service provider
Ownership structure
Privately Held
3 Locations
Number of products
1 Product
Number of services
2 Services
Specialised areas
Microsoft Technologies, Information Architecture, Staffing, Data Visualization, Custom Software Solution Provider, Competitive Intelligence, Cloud Platforms, Data warehousing, Business Intelligence, IBM
EtiVenture Analytics offers a wide range of products and services
Services | Etiventure
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Data Consulting | Etiventure
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Cloud Solutions | Etiventure
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
United States
Overall risk estimation:
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Get insights into the use cases of EtiVenture Analytics
Use case
Project Management | Etiventure
Letting your technical team members focus on what they do best while you handle the minutiae greatly improves the success of project efforts. We have an experienced team of project managers that can be exactly what your company needs.
EtiVenture Analytics operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of EtiVenture Analytics
United States
San Antonio
Field Service Office (Consulting and Support)
United States
Field Service Offices (Consulting)
United States
Some frequent questions that have been asked about EtiVenture Analytics
Where is EtiVenture Analytics located?
The company headquarter of EtiVenture Analytics is located in San Antonio, Texas, United States. EtiVenture Analytics has subsidiaries in United States
How many employees does EtiVenture Analytics approximately have?
As of the latest available information EtiVenture Analytics has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was EtiVenture Analytics founded?
EtiVenture Analytics was founded in 2008
In which industries does EtiVenture Analytics mainly work?
The company EtiVenture Analytics has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services
What is the current company status of EtiVenture Analytics?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company EtiVenture Analytics seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
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New York, United States
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Our team can provide skilled personnel to support your projects, working seamlessly with your team. And for those intensive deployments, we can bring in specialized experts in storage, messaging, security, servers, mobility, backup, virtualization, and network infrastructure. Transform your world with smart connected products and new experiences. Service focus on Business Issues Instead of User Issues.
3B Staffing LLC
Woodbridge Township, United States
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We provide cutting-edge IT staffing expertise in Enterprise Resource Planning and Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing, Content & Identity Management, Infrastructure and more. We are an award-winning organization, touted as one of Best Places to Work', a Top-notch Recruiting Firm, positioned in the leaders' quadrant as one of America's most advanced sustained-growth firms. Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We work with world-leading system integrator, Fortune 500 clients and public-sector organizations with deep industry focus. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly.
Enliven Data Solutions
1-10 Employees
We are experts in overcoming cross-departmental challenges with improved processes and greater visibility. With full-stack integration, our team delivers insights and strategies to leverage data for better decision making and automation. This avoids lengthy consulting engagements, reduces the time to deliver, and enables our clients to begin reaping the benefits of quality business intelligence and automation faster. Marketing and data analysts identify trends, gaps, and opportunities and offer strategies and insights to respond. While every project is different, our goals are always to help our clients grow their business and improve the bottom line. We document the current state, identifying where good data can improve performance, then, we develop a strategy, create a roadmap, and a plan for your business. Employing advanced data models and customer segmentation, they can provide predictive insights into customer behaviors. Our team of experts in systems integration, databases, and data optimization can pull or push data from nearly any platform or data source.
neXtstrato Corporation
Houston, United States
11-50 Employees
We provide our clients with the experience and skills they need, when they need it. Engineering support from a team of Architects, Subject Matter Experts, and Project Managers. Proven methodologies for proof of concepts, pilots, and production enablement. Whether you need us to deliver a project, help design a solution, or assess your readiness for a digital transformation, we help IT get IT done. Understand what they want, what they need and provide a comprehensive view of they have.
XL Software Solutions
Baltimore, United States
11-50 Employees
The solutions we provide take your big picture into consideration: your budget, your timeline, your expectations and your success. We are also your teammates, leading you, inspiring you and empowering you with leading-edge technologies. No matter what sector you’re in or line of work you do, your organization operates in a digital world. Whether you’re an insurance company, manufacturer, airport, retailer, staffing firm, government agency or health care provider—to your customers or users, you are defined by your apps and other technologies that you use. We create digital assets and provide digital services with tangible integrity that you demand and deserve. We build products and processes that are critically important to you. We support your team with a full set of proven experts representing IT project management, business analysis, software development, server management, QA and more. We’re more than IT experts, we’re a business partner who will help you manage and govern projects according to your processes and industry standards.
Thiruvananthapuram, India
11-50 Employees
We provide high-quality resources and experienced managers to help our clients meet their business objectives efficiently and effectively. We provide expert technology implementation services to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance for your business systems. We provide end-to-end ERP solutions to help businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency. We provide hardware, software, and network solutions that meet your business requirements. We provide logistics development services for businesses, with customized solutions for tracking, delivery, and supply chain management. We provide travel tech development services, including booking systems, itinerary planning, and location-based services. We provide eLearning tech development services, including LMS platforms, customized content creation, and assessment tools. With a focus on product engineering, we handle planning, design, construction, delivery, and ongoing support.