F+F Mechanical Logo

F+F Mechanical

Company | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc.

Who is F+F Mechanical?

We deliver mechanical piping, sheet metal, and plumbing solutions for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and institutional clients, and our reputation is built on delivering the best customer experience possible. Our Service Group, staffed 24/7 by top-tier industry professionals, offers peace of mind through an array of services in HVAC, plumbing, sheet metal, and equipment replacement and repairs. F+F Mechanical, a family-owned, full service mechanical contractor based in North Haven, Connecticut, has provided quality fabrication and installation of mechanical systems for over 40 years. From the early stages of planning and design through post-installation service, we deliver the expertise and teamwork to maximize the investment in our services, every step of the way. Among the most critical trades associated with a building achieving its greatest potential, we are inspired by the impact of our work as it allows our clients and partners to better focus on the work they do that matters. Our leadership is committed to exploring new technologies and tools, prioritizing training and professional development, and providing a safe work environment for our employees and subcontractors. By leveraging lean construction techniques and advanced technologies, we deliver efficient, state-of-the-art mechanical solutions on every project, every time. At F+F Mechanical, we aim to offer the best of both worlds: the personal, flexible service of a small business combined with a track record of delivering big-business results.

This company is:

Educational institution
Service provider

North Haven, United States

51-100 Employees

Founding year: 1982

Products & services of F+F Mechanical

Product Service | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc. image


Service | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc.

Beyond construction, we offer an array of mechanical services in HVAC, plumbing, sheet metal, and equipment. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our Service Group employs highly skilled and trained professionals in the industry.

Product Boehringer Kilo Laboratory | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc. image


Boehringer Kilo Laboratory | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc.

Construction Manager: Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Mechanical Engineer: CE&IC

Product Our Work | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc. image


Our Work | F+F Mechanical Enterprises, Inc.

At F+F, we understand that true collaboration, combined with Lean principles and sustainable construction practices, results in efficient coordination and quality construction.

View all products


Mechanical Construction
BIM Coordination
Pipe and Sheet Metal Fabrication and Installation
Mechanical Service and Maintenance



Contact of F+F Mechanical

City: North Haven

State: Connecticut

Country: United States

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about F+F Mechanical

The company F+F Mechanical is located in North Haven, Connecticut, United States. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information F+F Mechanical has around 51-100 employees worldwide.

F+F Mechanical was founded in 1982

The company F+F Mechanical has it's main focus in the industries of Construction

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company F+F Mechanical seems to be a Medium-Sized Company at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

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