Capture 360º photos of the property and upload them to FLOORFY. Our technology will generate the 3D virtual tour, property floorplan, HD photographs and commercial video for you. Allowing you to focus your time on what matters most, your customers. Invite your clients to visit properties through a unique virtual experience. Surprise owners by demonstrating that you are capable of generating unique content to market their property effectively.
Seville, Spain
Founded in 2016
51-100 Employees
Working industry
IT, Software and Services
Type of company
Ownership structure
Privately Held
1 Headquarter
Specialised areas
Computer Software
An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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FLOORFY · Virtual visits operates in 1 country around the world
Get an overview of the locations of FLOORFY · Virtual visits
Some frequent questions that have been asked about FLOORFY · Virtual visits
Where is FLOORFY · Virtual visits located?
The company headquarter of FLOORFY · Virtual visits is located in Seville, Andalusia, Spain. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does FLOORFY · Virtual visits approximately have?
As of the latest available information FLOORFY · Virtual visits has around 51-100 employees worldwide.
When was FLOORFY · Virtual visits founded?
FLOORFY · Virtual visits was founded in 2016
In which industries does FLOORFY · Virtual visits mainly work?
The company FLOORFY · Virtual visits has it's main focus in the industries of IT, Software and Services
What is the current company status of FLOORFY · Virtual visits?
Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company FLOORFY · Virtual visits seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change
Check out some interesting alternative companies to FLOORFY · Virtual visits
Virtual Property Shotz
Tempe, United States
1-10 Employees
We provide 3D Virtual Tours, Dollhouse View, 4K Print Quality Photos, 2D Floor Plans, Highlight Reel with a Guided Tour and Virtual Staging. Your clients will be amazed by the quality and detail we offer! Attract Event Planners with virtual walkthroughs and more informed booking decisions by offering a fully immersive, fully detailed 3D vision of your perfect space.
Designer Website Agency
United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
An immersive 360 ̊ 3D Virtual Tour experience to showcase your business, property, venue, products and services, the way you want, 24/7. Whether it is product photos, shots of the business or videography, our team is at hand.
Wide Angles Property Marketing Services
Oxford, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We provide professionally produced 2D floor plans, as well as 3D floor plans which are incorporated into our Matterport immersive, 3D tours. We’ll shape our service to match your processes, timescales and anything else that’s important to you. Working closely with agents across the county, we provide all the marketing services you need get potential buyers excited about your property, and in the door for a viewing. Offering everything from stunning interior & exterior photographs that bring life to your listings, to immersive 3D Matterport tours that let prospective buyers explore a property before they’ve set foot inside, through to the practical necessities of floor plans and EPCs; we’ll ensure your business stands head and shoulders above the average offerings of traditional estate agents. We can even drop room plans and photos into the tour to provide a seamless user experience. Standard property photography Professional images capturing the best the property has to offer including sky replacements on external images if required. High end property photography Professional images capturing the best the property has to offer including sky replacements on external images if required. When you partner with us, we won’t close the book after we’ve sent your deliverables.
Subang Jaya City Council, Malaysia
1-10 Employees
we provide 3D walkthrough and 360° virtual tour solution services for property and showcasing your products in 360 immersive view. Listings With A Home Virtual Tour Have A Unique Tag That Helps Them Stand Out. For-Sale Properties With Home Virtual Tours Were 22% More Likely To Sell Within 30 Days. Share anywhere Your Tour Appears Will Upload To Our Host, And You Get A Link To Share It To Your Prospects, Social Media And Beyond.
Measured-UK Ltd
Basingstoke and Deane, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
We offer a range of services for any individual or business wishing to showcase and measure their property. Our 3D Virtual walkthroughs offer a powerful tool to remotely explore a site as if you were there in person. For a more technical layout we also offer Basic Floor Plans, as well as High-Quality Floor Plans. We create your 3D tour using Metareal’s innovative software.
House Plan
Dublin, Ireland
1-10 Employees
We provide as many images as you require per room at no extra cost. HousePlan was created to offer estate agents and property developers an alternative to drab photos taken with a phone of paying large amounts to professional photographers. HousePlan provides professional photography, perfect floor plans and virtual tours all for just €100 per property. We provide a full design and next day delivery property brochures. We provide a full virtual staging service for empty properties. We generated the floor plans using our camera's built-in laser and advanced photogrammetry, and are available in different designs and file formats, always with reliably precise measurements. Virtual tours are automatically created in stunning 270-megapixel resolution using built-in lasers and sensors working in tandem with more than 190 camera components. We also offer e-commerce solutions where you can showcase or sell your products right from our virtual showrooms.