We are your trusted partner for establishing your brand in the Nordics or developing your local business. Founded in 2019 by a food industry executive, Food Collective offers a unique blend of expertise. Our team combines industry veterans with sales, marketing, and logistics specialists to provide unparalleled support during the entire launch process, from strategy development to execution. With firsthand business experience and extensive local knowledge, we understand your needs and deliver tailored solutions for success. Yet, with over 12 000 product launches annually, only 1 in 10 survives beyond three years. Project ManagementProduct ManagementSupport LaunchesLeading Company AqusitionMerging CompaniesInterim KAMInterim ManagementNew Product DevelopmentProduction OptimisationImplementing LEANFinance Controlling. Do we need to adapt the product to the Nordic preferences?
Stockholm, Sweden
Founded in 2020
1-10 Employees
Working industry
Food and Beverage
Type of company
Service provider
Ownership structure
Public Company
1 Headquarter
Number of products
1 Product
Number of services
2 Services
Specialised areas
Market Entry, Sales, Marketing, Logistics, Product, Product Portfolio Management, Nordics, GS1, Market Analysis, Food & Beverages
Food Collective AB offers a wide range of products and services
Services — Food Collective
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Product Management — Food Collective
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An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself
Overall risk estimation:
Very low
The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources
Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Grade (A-E)
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Food Collective AB operates in 1 country around the world
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Some frequent questions that have been asked about Food Collective AB
Where is Food Collective AB located?
The company headquarter of Food Collective AB is located in Stockholm, Sweden. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations
How many employees does Food Collective AB approximately have?
As of the latest available information Food Collective AB has around 1-10 employees worldwide.
When was Food Collective AB founded?
Food Collective AB was founded in 2020
In which industries does Food Collective AB mainly work?
The company Food Collective AB has it's main focus in the industries of Food and Beverage
Check out some interesting alternative companies to Food Collective AB
New Food Launches
Peterborough, United Kingdom
1-10 Employees
That is why we developed our 3 stage approach:. At New Food Launches we help you launch your food product into retail supermarkets. You may have started the production of your new food product, but how prepared are you for a meeting with retail buyers, and have you explored how to become an established food brand? If you already have an established food product but you’re looking to expand and produce more products we can help you grow to the next stage. Launching a food product into supermarkets and retailers isn’t an easy task, with 76% of food products failing to launch each year with a large percentage of these failing due to oversight on the fundamentals. We start by getting to know your food product and the vision you have for your launch. Once we understand your food product and the vision of your brand we will create a strategy with you to guide you to the best possible chance of a successful launch. This will be your roadmap and provide you with a clear journey for your product.
Helmsman Group
Portland, United States
11-50 Employees
Our mission is to help food and beverage entrepreneurs see their vision realized in the marketplace. Teaming with us gives you access to our highly experienced and innovative teams, as well as to our extensive library of tried-and-tested resources designed to boost your CPG knowledge and expedite your journey. We use our CPG experience and expertise to create great products and guide them towards profitable and sustainable solutions that ensure these emerging brands succeed. Most importantly, we’re a tight-knit team of food industry professionals who are passionate about helping budding brands become successful in today’s marketplace. Harness the power of our award-winning process, where creativity, strategic thinking, and a deep understanding of your brand’s identity converge. We transform your brand’s concepts into tangible creations that perfectly match your vision. From concept to consumer, we offer our industry knowledge, expertise, and insight to understand your brand and guide your vision. Our strategic partners span the globe, and we’ve delivered over 200 new product platforms to market — representing more than $2 billion in sales over the last decade.
nordio agency aps
1-10 Employees
We are a Denmark based team who help brands and partners to succeed in Europe. We represent technology companies and manufacturers typically within the consumer electronics industry. A dedicated, multilingual team of specialists who introduce and launch innovative lifestyle CE brands and products into the Nordic and European markets. We understand all aspects from manufacturing in Asia,to logistic challenges, sales techniques, and aftersales/technical support required. We can support on all aspects in relations to the products, your sales engagements and the aftersales support needed. Due to consolidation in distribution, we are left with a landscape where true brand building distributors are few and far between.
Spike Venture
Oslo, Norway
1-10 Employees
We are leaders in our fields and have significant experience in building and developing successful companies. We have many years of experience working with both large enterprises and small start-ups all over the Nordics, with everything from direct sales and sales training to staffing and customer service. Ideally you have a great product or service with a wide field of impact and global potential, but you need help growing your business and increasing the number of paying customers.
Leif Skree Larsen
Greve Strand, Denmark
1-10 Employees
Vi er sparringspartneren til fødevarevirksomheder som ønsker at Produktudvikling og Innovation skal være standarden for morgendagens nyheder og smagsoplevelser. All4Food tilbyder også at varetage salget og derved være producentens eksterne salgsafdeling. Du kan bruge All4Food fra start til slut i processen – eller specifikt på udvalgte elementer, hvor du og din virksomhed har brug for sparring eller ikke selv synes at have de nødvendige kompetencer. All4Food garanterer, at strategi og planer er handlingsorienterede og at den gode idé og produkthistorie kommer helt ud på hylder eller kølediske. Hele idéen bag All4Food er at finde og repræsentere en ordenlighed omkring godt købmandskab, hvor både historie, smag og kvalitet er vigtig, så der skabes en professionel helhed, der ikke bare er velsmagende og interessant – men også bæredygtig og rentable. Uanset hvor stort budgettet er til lancering, er det vigtigt at der bliver udarbejdet en Go-to-market plan, for at sikre at produktlanceringen får den fornødne opmærksomhed inden for investeringsrammen og derved den rette lancering. Dette kan både være præsentation af nylanceringer, men All4Food kan også varetage salget for producenten, således at producenten har en professionel målrettet salgsafdeling, som kan aftales alt efter behov.
Food Partners World ApS
Copenhagen, Denmark
11-50 Employees
With more than 25 years of experience in the food industry and on-going market research we are among the leading specialists in development and delivery of high-quality convenience food and beverage products. All products that create value for you as retailer through sustainable and new consumer experiences. We offer a range of various brands and products with unique selling points, which provide high brand salience through their storytelling. No matter if your need is a sparring partner, product development, or to optimize your existing assortment, we will enter at the exact step in the process where you are in the need of Food Partners World’s expertise.