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FSM AG develops and produces intelligent electronics. We support our customers with electronic products in the disciplines of mobile power supply, measurement technology and transformer switches as well as in the field of manufacturing services for electronic components (EMS). Our products are mostly customer-specific solutions and become part of an end product. It is therefore quite common to come across FSM technology without realizing that key components of the end product come from us. We are climate-neutral, a certified bicycle-friendly employer and work in self-organized, interdisciplinary teams. Would you like to find out more? FSM AG develops and produces intelligent electronics. We support our customers with electronic products in the fields of mobile energy supply, measurement technology and transformer switches as well as in the area of manufacturing services for electronic components (EMS). Our products are mostly customer-specific solutions and become part of an end product. It is therefore quite common to come across FSM technology without realizing that key components of the end product come from us. We are climate-neutral, a certified bicycle-friendly employer and work in self-organized, interdisciplinary teams. Would you like to find out more about us? Then visit our website: www.fsm.ag

Quick overview

Kirchzarten, Germany

Founded in 1989

101-250 Employees


Additional information

Working industry

Research, Business Services

Type of company

Distributor, Manufacturer, Service provider


1 Headquarter

Number of services

1 Service

Specialised areas

batterie-management-system, battery management system, mobile energy supply, functional safety, Cell balancing, charging units, battery packs, measurement systems, building automation, clean room technology

Products & services of FSM AG

FSM AG offers a wide range of products and services

Product: Battery Management System


Battery Management System

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ESG score estimation

An estimation about the ESG values based on digital data and signals. Important: The ESG scores are only based on information about the country, not the actual company itself



Overall risk estimation:

Very low

ESG country scores

The ESG Data of countries are based on public sources



Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Grade (A-E)

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Use Cases of FSM AG

Get insights into the use cases of FSM AG

UseCase: battery management system for e-bikes

Use case

battery management system for e-bikes

e-mobility, e-bikes, consumer products

Our battery management systems are used in a variety of different applications: whether in e-bike batteries, in medical technology or in solar storage systems - our smart technology makes batteries even more durable, reliable and efficient! We adapt the battery management systems precisely to your requirements, taking the overall system into account. For cost or efficiency reasons, it may make sense to integrate some system functions into the battery or BMS. We therefore always look at your entire product and support you in optimizing it!

Headquarter of FSM AG

FSM AG operates in 1 country around the world

City: Kirchzarten

State: Baden-Württemberg

Country: Germany

Locations of FSM AG

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about FSM AG

Some frequent questions that have been asked about FSM AG

The company headquarter of FSM AG is located in Kirchzarten, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It's worth noting, that the company may have more locations

As of the latest available information FSM AG has around 101-250 employees worldwide.

FSM AG was founded in 1989

The company FSM AG has it's main focus in the industries of Research, Business Services

Based on the founding year and the amount of employees the company FSM AG seems to be a Medium-Sized at the current state. Note that over time that status can change

Competitors of FSM AG

Check out some interesting alternative companies to FSM AG

FSM's Logo


Sherbrooke, Canada

501-1000 Employees


We develop roll forming equipment for high gloss and structure profiles, as well as annex equipment such as uncoiler, puller, cutter ejector, glue applicator and more. Because we are a "one stop shop", we can troubleshoot and deliver the first samples faster than the competition. With this knowhow, we develop and manufacture systems, machines and equipment that are essential in the production of battery trays, crash management systems, body structural parts, body seal parts, body exterior parts, but also solar panel frames and much more. We are very glad and proud to be a new member of “automotive thüringen” - The partner for the automotive sector in Thuringia /Germany 🚀🤝. To find out more about our products and services, please select the area that interests you the most. FSM is one of the world's leading equipment suppliers in the sealing industry. Our expertise in injection and transfer molding provides a turnkey solution to our customers. The FSM Group is a global technology company specializing in the development of manufacturing solutions for the automotive supply industry.

FSM GROUP - Indústria de Confecções SA's Logo

FSM GROUP - Indústria de Confecções SA

Lousada, Portugal

1001-5000 Employees


Today FSM is a solid group with production units in Portugal and Morocco. Over the past decades FSM grew steadily increasing its product range. FSM GROUP is specialized in woven garments and works with the top world fashion players covering all the ranges and all types of woven products. Constant investment in the latest technology, as well as the ongoing training of our technicians allows us to surpass our customers quality standards. It all started in 1979 as a small shirts manufacturing company with fewer than two. A project that aims to transform processes at FSM to make them more sustainable. A set of actions that can be performed in offices, production, buildings or customer support.

dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh's Logo

dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh

Dresden, Germany

51-100 Employees


We are your reliable partner in E2MS-area and support you in all matters. The E2MS area (Electronic|Engineering|Manufacturing|Service) which forms the base of dresden elektronik, is focused on contract development and production. With an excellent specialized expertise, we accompany you to the start of series production and support you in all subareas or take over the complete contract. Due to the employees long standing experience and the established know how we are able to realize a cost-efficient test solution for functional test within a short period of time. Our laboratory performs an inspection for finished products as well as development-related. From performance specifications to mass production, from the first circuit design to prototype – our development department masters all aspects of electronic development. Flexible production -Intelligent solution -We are your multi-faceted specialist. Custom-made development and manufacturing solutions: hardware and software development, PCB assembly, test systems and more.



Lutherstadt Eisleben, Germany

1-10 Employees


HEYFRA AG steht als Dienstleister für höchste Qualität im Bereich E²MS (Electronic Engineering & Manufacturing Services) – Made in Germany. Innovation by HEYFRA: Mit unserem HEYflex-Prototyping-Service liefern wir Ihnen innerhalb von 48 Stunden komplett bestückte und getestete Leiterplatten (Materialverfügbarkeit vorausgesetzt). Die HEYFRA AG hat im abgelaufenen Jahr den höchsten Umsatz in der seit 1993 währenden Firmengeschichte erreicht. Seit 1994 ist die HEYFRA AG Dienstleister für Electronic Engineering and Manufacturing Services (E2MS) und hat sich seitdem zu einem europaweit agierenden Unternehmen entwickelt. HEYFRA, das steht für höchste Qualität made in Germany. Wir entwickeln Hard- und Software sowie das Layout für E2MS-Dienstleistungen, übernehmen die Kostenoptimierung bereits im Entstehungsprozess und begleiten die elektronischen Baugruppen unserer Kunden über den gesamten Produktlebenszyklus. Dank unserer langjährigen Erfahrung, bieten wir Ihnen ein komplettes Paket von der Entwicklung, über die Kostenoptimierung und Herstellung, bis hin zur Auslieferung. Die Produktion, Inbetriebnahme und Wartung von Schaltschränken und Schaltanlagen in Verbindung mit der E-Planung bilden das Kern-Know-How von RESA iCDPS GmbH ab.



Stadel, Switzerland

1-10 Employees


EMS Schweiz Dienstleister | Führend in der Industrie-Elektronik | Electronic Manufacturing Services | Komplettlösungen bis zum fertigen Produkt. In Zusammenarbeit mit spezialisierten Ingenieuren bieten wir Komplettlösungen von Ihrer Idee bis zum fertigen Produkt an. Wir erarbeiten jede Entwicklung individuell und auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt. Wir verarbeiten Losgrössen vom Prototyp bis zur mittleren Serie. Unsere Produktion schliesst in jedem Falle eine Sichtkontrolle mit ein. Auf jeden Fall bürgen wir für höchste Qualität des Endproduktes. Hat es kurzfristige Änderungen gegeben, die nicht in die Serienproduktion eingeflossen sind?

FSM's Logo


Bar-le-Duc, France

51-100 Employees


Télécharger notre plaquette pour en apprendre plus sur nous. La société F.S.M de l’activité Manufacturing est spécialisée depuis 1972, dans la sous-traitance en montage et assemblage, usinage, grenaillage et peinture et mécano-soudure de pièces et d’équipements lourds de petites et moyennes dimensions. Le savoir-faire de F.S.M est reconnu dans des secteurs d’activités très exigeants tels que :. • l'énergie, le nucléaire, l’armement, la cryogénie, la sidérurgie, la métallurgie, le pétrole Avec ses 9 500 m² d’ateliers couverts, un parc machines CNC diversifié (aléseuses, tours verticaux et horizontaux et fraiseuses) adossé à un atelier de mécano-soudure (traitement thermique, grenaillage, cabines de peinture), et de montage, F.S.M propose à ses clients des procédés de fabrication de qualité pour garantir une parfaite fiabilité des équipements fournis (capacité à traiter les équipements soumis aux CODAP et code ASME). F.S.M se positionne depuis quelques années sur des secteurs à forte valeur ajoutée (énergie, nucléaire) qui nécessitent un grand savoir-faire et le recrutement de compétences particulières.